*A note about references: Hovering your cursor over a reference number will produce a tooltip (if your browser supports them) denoting the reference being used, clicking on the reference number will bring up a popup window, with further details on the source of reference: Each individual reference number refers to one source, though it may be the source for multiple pieces of information and therefore used multiple times within this site.

[1] Will of John Standerwicke, written 22nd Aug. 1568 [A/ALU 4]
[2] Probate of John Standerwicke 1616, proven 20 June 1616 [A/ALU 4]
[3] Broadway Parish Register
[4] Will of Richard Standerwicke, written 13th Nov. 1581, proven 9th Feb. 1582 [A/ALU 4]
[5] Will of Edmund Pinney, written 7th Feb. 1631[A/ALU 4]
[6] Will of John Standerwick, written 3rd Jan. 1633, proven 18th Feb. 1633
[7] Will of Elizabeth Standerwick, written 18th Jun. 1634, proven 22nd Aug. 1634
[8] Gawler vs. Gawler 1709
[9] Gawler vs. Bird 1761
[10] Probate of William Standerwick, proven 10th Nov. 1718
[11] Will of Henry Gawler, written 8th Sep. 1658
[12] The Old Meeting Presbyterian Register
[13] I.G.I
[14] Probate of Isaac Standerwick, proven 22 March 1772
[15] Probate of John Standerwick, proven 2 June 1778
[16] Broadway Meeting Independant Registers
[17] Will of Henry Gawler, proven 17 Dec. 1818
[18] Will of Betty Gawler, written 1809, proven 8 Apr. 1812
[19] Deposition of John Gawler, 27 Oct. 1854
[20]Victorian, Birth, Death and Marriage Indexes
[21]Victorian, Birth, Death or MarriageCertificate
[22]Yatton Parish Register (Somerset, Eng)
[23]Wrington, Somerset, Eng

  In the name of God Amen. The XXII daye of Auguste in the in the tenthe yeare of the reigne of oure soveraigne Ladye Quene Elizabeth, in the yeare of oure Lorde, one thousande, fyve hundred, thre score and eyght, John STANDERWIK the Elder, of the parrisshe of Brodwaye beinge in good & perfect remembrance do make & ? this my laste will & testament in manner & forme folowinge. That is to saye, firste I bequeathe sowle to almyghtye God, And my bodye to the wholye buryall. Item I gyve to the Cathedrall churche of Welles xiid. Item I gyve to the poore of Brodwaye that are howsehowlders iiiid a piece. Item I gyve to the twoe powe howses of sycke people of Taunton & Lamporte xiid a piece. Item I gyve and bequeathe to my fowre daughters Alice, Elizabeth, Johane & Agnes twentye pounds a pece of them, a cowe, a featherbedd performed a crock and a panne chosen and devided unto them by the discretione of my overseers equallye. Item I gyve & bequeath to Richard my son, in consideration that my executor shall use and occupye his grounde for one whole yeare twentye poundes, a fetherbed, performed a crocke and a panne, And all the rest of my pewter vessell I gyve and bequeathe amonge my sixe children equallye to be divided by my overseers. Item I gyve everye one of my godchildren iiiid a pece. All the residue of my goodes. debtes and cattalles, my funeralles discharged debtes and legacyes payde, I gyve & bequeathe to John STANDERWICKE my sonne to dispose the same at his will & pleasure. And I make hym my whole & soole executor. And my overseers Wyllyam PYNNYE & Thomas TURNER, the witnes hereunto, Roger FFORTTE, James FFARR & John NORTON, theis be the debtes owinge unto John Standerwik, Richard MYCHELL viii?, Robert COLESTONE iiii?, Thomas DRAYTON xi?, Thomas Hyll of Taunton xvii?.

"Probatum fuit testamentum suprascriptum coram mayro waltero haddon legum Doctore Curie preogatine cant???? connssarioe apud London undecimo die octoberis Anno Domini millimo quingen?sexagesimo octavo juramento Georgii Heyrall porcurator Johis STANDERWICK executox in testamento ? ? ? ? fuit administrato ? et ? ? De ? sancta dei evangelia jurat."

Alice Luffe = 6 silver spoons
Joane Longe = 6 silver spoons
Agnes Furser = 6 silver spoons

Wm. Longe , of West Hatch = £10
John Woolmington Senr., of Walubrook(?) = wedding satin doublet

wife of John Woolmington = 22/-
Eme Galer = 22/-

Alice Longe = £5
Joane Longe = £5
Kattren Longe = £5
Elizabeth Longe = £ 5
Edith Came = 22/-
Agnes, sister of John Came = 22/-

Nephew & Exec. = John Standerwyke, Clothier = furniture & wheat

William Standerwyke = furniture & wheat
Richard Standerwyke = furniture & wheat
John, son of Agnes Furser of Wellington = £10
John Came = 22/-

Alice, wife of Wm. Standerwyke = bed & furniture
Johane, wife of Rich. Standerwyke = bed & furniture

Grand Nephews:
Children of John Standerwyke = 22/- each
Children of Wm. Standerwyke = 22/- each
Children of Rich. Standerwyke = 22/- each
Son of John Furser = £10
John , son of John Standerwyke = house ? in Stokeham
John, son of Wm. Standerwyke = house ? in Stokeham
John, son of Rich. Standerwyke = house ? in Stokeham

children of John Woolmington = 22/- each

Jasper, son of John Denham , of Ilminster = 22/-
Peternall, wife of Jasper Denham = 22/-
Elizabeth, dau. of Jasper Denham = 22/-
John, son of Jasper Denham = 22/-
Ellinge, dau. of Jasper Denham = 22/-

Johane, wife of Gyles Godwyn = 22/-

Relationships not noted:
Henry Galer, son of Eme = angelett
Humpry Galer, son of Eme = angelett
Eliz. Galer, dau. of Eme = angelett
Joane Laurence = 10/-
Gregory Sayle = 20/-
Gyles Godwyn = 22/-

  In the name of God amen. The thirtenthe daie of November in the yeare of oure Lorde. God, one thousand fyve hundred eightie two, & in the fyve and twentithe yeare of the reigne of oure soveraige Ladye Elizabethe the Queene that nowe is, I Richard Standerwick of Brodwaye, in the countie of Somersett, beinge syck of bodye, but of good and perfecte rememberance, laude & praise be unto allmightie God, doe make & ordayne this my last will & testamente in manner & forme followinge, that is to saie, ffirste I gyve & bequeath my sowle unto allmightie God my creator & redemer, trustinge by his deathe to obtayne remission of my synnes, & my bodye to be buried in the churche yarde of Brodwaye aforesaide. Item I gyve & bequeath to the Mother Churche of Wells sixe pence. Item I gyve & bequeathe unto the prishe churche of Brodway twentie pence. Item I gyve & bequeathe unto everye of my godchildren fower pence a peece. Item I gyve & bequeath unto Agnes my sister an olde ryall from eygpt & bequeathe unto my man and my maide three shillings fower pence a peece. Item I gyve & bequeathe unto John my eldest sonne twentie poundes. Item I gyve & bequeathe unto William my sonne twentie poundes. Item I gyve & bequeathe unto If my wiffe be with chylde twentie poundes, whether it be a manchylde or withe a woman childe, then my will is that that childe shall have twentie poundes also. But if she be not withe child then that twenties poundes to be divided betweene Item I gyve & bequeathe unto my two sonnes John & William tenne poundes a peece. Item my will is that the moneye gyven unto my children shall within one half yeare after my deceasee remayne & be in the hands of William Pynneye, John Luffe my brother in law, & John Standerwick until theie come unto the full age of twentie one yeares, and theie to putte it oute to the moste profitte for my children. But if one of theme dye, then my will is that the twentie pounds gyven unto him shal be devided betweene the other two, and if two dye, then the thirde to have the whole three score poundes. And if all dye, then my will is that Eme my wiffe shall have the whole three score poundes. All residue of my goods and cattells moveable and unmoveable whatsoever, not gyven nor bequeathed my debts paide & my legacies performed, I gyve and bequeathe unto Eme my wiffe , whome I doe make & ordaine to be my full & whole execatrixe of this my laste will & testament seeinge it performed. And for the better performannce thereof I have constituted and appointed William Pynneye, John Luff & John Standerwick to be my overseers of this my laste will & testament. Moreover I have gyven & bequeathed unto my two sonnes John & William my two mares and coultes nowe beinge in the fforreste, Wittnes thereunto John Palfrye & John Everye, Wittnes unto this my will George Lane curate of Brodway, John Pynnye the elder & George Palfrye withe others.

"Probatum fuit suprascriptum testamentum apud London, coram venerabile viro magistro Willius Drary legum Doctore Curie preogatine cantuarsii commissario etc. Nono die mensie Ffebruary Anno Domini mixta cursum et computacaem anglicane millimo quingentesimo octogesimo secundo. Juramento Johio Burroughe notarii publici procuratoris Eme relicte et executricie etc. Cui comissa fuit administrato etc. De bene etc. Jurat."

  The Will of Edmund Pynny of Brodwaye in the County of Somerset, yeoman, 7 Dec 1631. Body to be interred in the churchyard of Broadwaye aforesaid near to my late father. To the poor people of the same parish of Brodwaye 20s. To the poor people of the village of Horton, and the poor of Aishill. To Agnes Hucklebridge, sometimes my servant, 20s. To William Watts of Aishill a suit of apparel. To John Pynny late of Hisbares, my godson, 5s. and to his brother Alexander 2s.6d. And to William Pinny of Bristoll and Ffrancis his brother, sons of Anthony Pinney, late of Beere Crombe deceased 20s 6d apiece. To Richard Standerwicke of Broadwaie 40s., and to his wife 20s., and to John Standerwicke his brother 12d. To William Standerwicke of Broadwaie, brother of the saif Richard and John Standerwicke, £ 10, and to Alice his wife 40s., and to all of the children of the said Willm Syanderwicke and Alice 20s apiece. To Henry Gauler, Humfry Gauler, his brother and Elizabeth Pittard, their sister, £ 3.6s.8d. apiece. Unto Alice Way, my sister, £ 5 and my mother's wedding ring. To my cousin John Turberfiel 40s and to Sara his wife £ 5. To Giles Godwyn 40s, and to my sister Johane, his wife, £ 5. To Richard and Johane, children of my sister Johane Godwin, 40s apiece. To John Piney of Exeter £ 10. and to his wife 10s, and to Elizabeth, their daughter, whom I have partly bred £ 20, and to Edmund, their son, for that he is of my name, £ 10, and to John, Sara, Susanna and Hester, their children £ 5 apiece when said children severally attain the age of 24 years or to be married. Unto Willm Pinny of hardington 20s, and to Johane his wife 10s and to every child of theirs 10s apiece. To Edmund Pinny, one other of the sons of my brother John Pinny £ 20, and to Roger Pinny, one other son of said brother John Pynny, £ 10. To Richard Pynny one other son of my said brother John Pynny, 20s. To Elizabeth Pynny, dau of my said brother John £ 40. To Thomas Wrentmore and Sara his wife £ 5, to Thomas their son and Elizabeth their daughter £ 5 apiece, also to every other child which the said Thomas Wrentmore and Sara his wife shall have at the time of my death £ 5. To Willm Pynny, Thomas Pynny and Peter Pynny, sons of Nicholas Pynny, £ 5 apiece, and to every of the daughtes of the said Nicholas Pynny and Anne his wife, £ 5 apiece. To my cousin John Howse and Agnes his wife 40s apiece, and to every of the children of the said John and Agnes 20s apiece. To my cousin Thomas Pearce and to Mary his wife 40s apiece, and to the son and daughter of the said Thomas and Marie 40s apiece. To Edward Palfrey 12d and to his son John, being my godson, 20s. To the said Nicholas Pynny, one other of the sons of my said brother John Pynny. 20s., and to Anne his wife 20s. The legacies herein afore given to the children of Nicholas Pynny and Anne his wife shall remain in the hands of my executor and overseers until they shall respectively come to the age of five and twenty years. To Richard Baselye, Phillip Horsey, Thomas Addams, Willm Mosse and John Sherlock 20s each. Whereas I have an estate for divers years yet enduring, determinable upon the deaths of me and the said Edmund Pinny and of the said Roger Pinny, sons of my brother John Pynny, of and in two tenments situated in Wymehill als Windemyll hill within the parish of aishill aforesaid, sometimes in the tenure of Johane Watts, widow, deceased. I give unto my servant Johane Pawle for the good and faithful service she hath done unto me, one of the said tenements with all the lands, meadows and pastures therunto belonging, called Bakers, also one close of land or pasture called Hill close containing two acres, and also one other close to the land next adjoining, called Will plot containing one acre; to the said Johane Pawle and her assigns from the time of my death until Michaelmas day 1690, if the said Johane Pawl and Roger Pinny shall so long live, with remainder to the said Roger Pinny. To the said Johane Pawle two closes of land containing eight acres lying in Stevelie in the parish of Ile abbotts in the said County of Somerset, late in the tenure Richard Watts deceased, with the remainder thereof to Roger Pynny and then to Edmond Pynny, brother of the said Roger Pynny. Whereas I am possessed of a term for divers years yet to enduring, determinable by the deaths of John Pynny and Elizabeth Pynny, son and daughter of the said John Pynny of Exeter, and Ffrauncis Standerwicke son of the said Willm Standerwicke of Broadwie, of and in two closes of ground lying in Steveliegh containing fifteen acres called Bussells Closes, sometimes in the tenure of George Bussell deceased, my will is that the said Edmund Pynny, son of my said brother John Pynny, shall have the profits of the said fifteen acres during the term of his natural life if my estate therein shall so long continue. Testator was possessed of an interest of a term of fourscore and nineteen years in reversion or remainder of Mary Edes, widow, for her widow's estate, of one tenment lying at Wymelhill als Windmyll hill. To the said Willm Watts an annuity of 20s. Whereas I have an estate of one and twenty years after the decease of myself and John Pynny, my brother, of and in three acres of ground parcell of the late Manor of Stevelirgh called Cudborn, lying within the said parish of Ilton and now in mine own tenure, I do give the same estate to Humphrey Pynney. Whereas I have an estate for the term of fourscore and nineteen years, determinable upon the lives of John Pynny my brother, Willm Pynny and Nicholas Pynny his sons, of and in a tenement and fourscore acres of land and pasture to the same belonging, called Dtantons being in the parish of Brodway, my will is that the said Humfry shall have hold use occupy and enjoy and take the issues of the said tenement and grounds during so many years or my term as he the said Humfry or any issue of his body lawfully begotten shall live, if his said father and said two brothers of any one of them shall so long live. Whereas I have an estate for the term aof fourscore years, of and in an acre and a half of ground lying at Staunton's bridge within the said parish of Brodeway, which I lately bought of Willm Bright, my will is that the said Humfry Pynny shall have the same for the term of his life, but if he marry and have a child or children, then I do give the same and all of my estate therein to the said Humfry, but if he decease without issue of his body lawfully begotten, then his brother John Pynny of Exeter shall have my whole estate unexpired in the same. Whereas I have an estate for the term of my life and the life of Johane Godwyn, my sister, of and in four closes of meadow and pasture ground called Long meade, Botton meade, Crothorne and Hedlescrosses close, containing Twenty acres, and whereas I stand bounded by one writing obligatory in the sum of £ 200 unto John Denman late of Lambrooke deceased , to pay after the decease of John Pynny the younger, deceased , 20 marks a year to Elizabeth Pynney, my said late brother's wife , during her widowhood, in consideration of which bond my brother made over unto me all his right in the aforesaid parcells of ground after his death, to the intent I should pay the said 20 marks a year to his wife which either unto I have paid, my will is that Thomas Wrentmore who married Sara, the daughter of my said brother John, shall take the profits of the said ground after my decease during the life of my said sister Johane Godwyn, he to pay yearly to his mother-in-law Elizabeth Pynny 20 marks. Whereas I have an estate of four thousand years in certain grounds lying in Steveleigh in the parish Ile Abbotts als Abbots Ile, known by the name or names of East Mullens, Bouchers close, and Longkyte meade, now in my tenure, which grounds I have granted to Richard Pynney, one of the sons of my brother John the elder, and to his heirs male of his body lawfully begotten, and unto Johane his wife for the term of her life as her jointure, after my decease, upon which grant there is reserved to be paid 26s 8d., my will is that the same shall be paid to such two poor people and in such manner as is hereafter expressed. But if the said Richard die without issue male, then John Pynny of Exeter his brother shall pay 26s8d yearly to two poor people, men of women, of Brodwaie most needy during the residue of my said terms of thousand years, by quarterly payments; if payments are not made, any person or persons named Pynny or Standerwicke, living in Broadwaie, to enter and destrain and the distress thereof to be kept until the sum be fully satisfied; if no persons of those names living there, then the churchwardens and overseers of the poor to act. Whereas I have an estate of fourscore and nineteen years determnable upon the lives of me and said Edmund Pynney and Humfry Pynney, of and in nine acres of ground called Stovend, parcell of the Manor of Ilton, and lying in the parish of Ilton, my will is that the said Edmond Pynny shall have hold and take the profits of the said ground after two years formerly mentioned, if the said Humfry shall live so long, and after his decease I do give the same to the said Humfry his brother during his life. To my said brother £ 20, to be paid within two years after my decease, he to pay one bond that I stand bounden unto Giles Godwyn for £ 40, £ 20 of which is already paid. To Johane the wife of my said brother John 20s. To Richard Maundre of Beers, Johane his wife, and Richard their son, being my godson, 20s apiece. All the residue of good and chattels, moveable and unmoveable, my debts paid, legacies performed, funeral expenses and annuities discharged, I bequeath to the said Humfry Pynney, whom I make my full and sole executor, George Balch of Horton, Gent., Willm Standerwicke, Roger Chicke of Iilminster and Allixander Pynney to be overseers. If any doubt or question do happen, the greater part of the overseers with the advice of Sr Robte Phillipps, knight, to decide and oreder it. To Sr Robart Phillipps one soveriegn of 20s

Proved 07 February 1631 by Humfredi Pynney filih naturalis et legitum dicti defuncto et executris. before Johane Fforde Rectore de Broadway (P.C.C. Awdley. 16)
Note: Humphrey was the son of Edmond's brother John"the elder" yet is also called the natural and legitimate son in the probate act above. The Probate Act Book for 1632 also refers to him as"Filii".


  Will of John Standerwick, the son of John Standerwicke of Broadway. 3 January 1633. To The Cathedral Church of Wells 10d. To the Parish church of Broadway 5s. To the spittle houses of Langport & of Taunton 20d each. If my wife be now with child, with a male child, I do hereby give to him £20 & all my part of the land at Ffoddington & all such parte & interest as I have in the land in the Southames in the County of Devon. But if my wife be now with child, with a female child, I do give unto such female child the sum of £50. To my brothers William and Richard, suits & cloaks. All the rest of my goods & chattels movable & unmovable I give to my wife , whom I make sole executrix of this my last will & testament. Signed [the mark of John Standerwicke]. To every of my god children 12d apiece. I do entreat my father & my brother-in-law John Howse to be overseers.

Witnesses: John Standerwicke, Richard Legg & William Standerwicke

Proved 18 Feb 1633 by Elizabeth, relict & executrix.

  The will of Elizabeth Standerwicke of Broadway, 18 June 1634. To the parish church of Broadway 40d. To the poor of Hardington 40d. All the residue of my goods & chattels unto my child or children which shall be born of my body, & if they die before coming of the age of twenty-one, all the goods to be equally divided amongst my brothers John Pinneyes & Nicholas Pynneys & brother John Howse their children, equally divided amongst them, being twenty & two in number. Overseers not to be accountable before my child or children or kinsfolk be of the age of twenty & two years old. Overseers are brothers John Pinney of Exon, brother Roger Pinney & Edmond Pinney & brother-in-law John Howse. Signed [Ellen Standerwicke]
Before the sealing it was agreed Nicholas Pinneys five daughters shall have £10 a piece & to have no more. Moreover give to my brother William Pinney children, being five, 12d apiece & to my brother Richard Pinney two children 12d apiece. To my brother-in-law Thomas Percces children 5s apiece, & to John Palfrey, the son of my sister Johan Palfrey 5s.
Witnesses: Thomas Godwyn, the signe of Richard Standerwicke.

Proved 22 August 1634 by John Pinney, Roger Pinney, Edmund Pinney & John Howse

Gawler vs. Gawler 1709
  Complaint ; Your orators , Henry Gawler of Broadway , tanner , Thomas Gawler of same , tanner , and Samuel Gawler of same , tanner say that Mary Gawler of Broadway , having a fortune of over 1500 pounds , died intestate on the 11 Dec 1709 . Henry , Thomas and John Gawler and Ann Hayes , wife of Thomas Hayes , sons and daughter of Henry Gawler , late of Broadway , have possessed themselves of Mary's estate , pretending she made a will in their favour . They have sold this secretly to their confederates William Standerwick and William Allen , in order to defraud yr orators , sons of Thomas Gawler , of their half of the estate . Claim the defendants had the will drawn up by a butcher and forced aunt Mary to sign it . Answer of defendants ; Henry Gawler , one of the Complaintants , had seized Mary's house in Broadway and is still taking rents . George Samme , school master and country scribe ( and one-time butcher ) was called by Mary to make her will on 9 Dec 1709 , as follows : to Henry s/o Thomas Galler , dec.d , one shilling ; to Mary Galler , d/o Mary Galler 5 pounds ; to Thomas galler s/o Thomas G dec'd , 10 pounds and all the trade belonging to the trade ; to Samuel Galler s/o Thomas G dec'd 5 pounds . To Thomas Galler s/o Henry 5 pounds ; to Ann Hayes 5 pounds ; to John Galler s/o Henry G one silver bowl . Rest and residue to Henry and John Galler , sons of Henry Galler , whom she made her executors . Signed in the presence of William Allen , John Hacker and George Sammes

Inventory taken on the 29 Dec 1709 by William Standwycke , Isaac Standerwycke , William Allen and George Samme : debts owed her 95 pounds ; desperate debts 30/16s ; silver bowl 40s ; in hall , table , cupboard and settle , 1/10s ; in parlour , table and 7 stools , 35s ; in kitchen , 1 table , 1 brake , 1 dish cage , 1 furnace , 1 settle , 40s ; various andirons , pots , ladles , 8s/6d ; in milk-house 3 brass pans , 4 cocks , 3 kettles , 2 posnett skillets , 4/15s ; in buttery 2 salting troughs , 1 hogshead , etc , 1/10s ; pewter in several rooms , 1/15s ; 3 brass candlesticks , etc. , 12s ; beds , sheets etc. in the parlour chamber and milk-house chamber ( 11/10s ) . Total ; 186/7s/6d . Deny they forced Mary to sign , will accepted and proved . ( The judgement could not be found )

Gawler vs. Bird 1761
  Orator - Henry Gawler of Plymouth , Devon , victualler , one of the sons of Henry Gawler , late of Broadway , tanner . His father had 2 tenements of c 30 acres in Broadway and Knoll , and died on the 11 Oct 1727 leaving an eldest son William Gawler , yr orator , Henry Gawler and other children . After his mother's death in October 1731 William took possesion , but died unmarried and intestate in 1731 , greatly in debt . Yr orator borrowed 400 pounds to pay these debts , giving the property s security . Wanted to sell Knowle lands and keep Broadway . ( Complex chain of events leading to loss of all lands by being cheated )

Probate of William Standerwick 1718
Mary Lockyer = £5
Avis Haynes (wife of James Haynes) = £10

Ann , wife of Thomas Hayes = £5
John Galler = £5
Thomas Galler = £30
Mary Haynes = £20
Sarah Haynes = £20
Elizabeth Haynes = £20

William Baker = £10
John Baker = £10
Joseph, son of John Standerwick = maintenance in clothes 5/- weekly
Isaac, son of John Standerwick = £40
Isaac, son of Isaac Standerwick = Tenements in reversion
William, son of Isaac Standerwick = lands re in Broadway

Grand Nephews:
Nathaniel Standerwick, grandson of brother John = £100
Jacob Standerwick, grandson of brother John = £50
William Standerwick, grandson of John = property in Ashill + ? yarnwashers tools

Sarah Standerwick, daughter of cousin(?) Isaac = £40
Rachel Standerwick, daughter of cousin(?) Isaac = £30
Catherine Standerwick, daughter of cousin(?) Isaac = £30

Mary Littlejohn (niece) = £10
William, son of Joseph of Sep. Ottery = reversion of do.(?)
Relationships not noted:
Dorcas King (widow) = £5
Susanna Standerwick, daughter of Joseph Standerwick of Sep. Ottery = £30
Joan Standerwick, daughter of Joseph Standerwick of Sep. Ottery = £30
Mary Standerwick, daughter of Joseph Standerwick of Sep. Ottery = £30
Elizabeth Standerwick, daughter of Joseph Standerwick of Sep. Ottery = £30

In the name of God Amen. The eighth day of September, in the year of our Lord, one thousand, six hundred fifty eight. I, Henry Gawler, of Broadway, in the County of Somerset, being sick of body but of perfect mind and memory, thanks be given to Almighty God. I do make and ordain this my last will and testament in manner and form following. First and principally I bequeath my soul come into the hands of Almighty God, my maker and creator hoping ? that in and on the sole merit of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to enjoy a ? with the ? in the Kingdom of Heaven, my body to be decently interred in the churchyard of Broadway, according to the discretion of my executrix hereafter named ? and as for the ? of goods which God of his mercy hath given me . I give and bequeath as followeth: I give unto my son Thomas Gawler, the sum of 10 shillings. I give unto my son John Gawler, the sum of £20, to be paid unto him in twelve months next after my death. I give more unto my said son John, the halfondeale of all my tan vats and working tools and ? but my will is that the said twenty pounds above by me given unto said son John shall be raised out of my stock of leather and paid by my son Henry Gawler. I give more unto my said son John, my bay mare and ? in my garden. I give more unto said son my best brass pan but my will is that my wife shall have the use of the said pan during her life. I give unto my daughter Mary Gawler, £30 to be paid unto her wthin twelve months next after my death. I give more unto my said daughter Mary, the sum of £50 to be paid unto her by my son Henry Gawler and to be by him raised and made out and of my stock of leather and hides, in twelve months after my death. I give more unto my son John Gawler, the halfondeale as a lease of vines piled in my garden and all my vines in"Moonfield" and Curry Mallet. I give unto Henry Gawler, my son, the other halfondeale of my tan vats and working tools, all the rest of my vines not before being given and all my stock of leather upon this condition, that my said son Henry do pay or cause to be paid unto my said son John Gawler the above mentioned amounts of £20 and also unto my said daughter Mary, the sum of £50 according to the ? above ??, otherwise this my gift unto my son Henry by me of my stock of vines and leather shall be void all interests and purposes in default thereof my executrix here after named, shall take the said vines and leather into her custody and dispose thereof ? unto my said son and daughter the above mentioned sums of £20 and £50 according to the ? above ?. Now unto my son Henry my best brass pot but my mind and will is that Mary my wife, shall have the use thereof during her life. I give more to my said son Henry, my mill but my will and mind is that my sons Thomas and John Gawler shall have the reasonable use thereof as long as they shall live and abide together. I give unto my grandchild Henry Gawler my son Thomas Gawler his son five shillings. Item whereas there are more goods of household stuff as brass, pewter and timber stuff ??????? between ? and my brother Humphrey Gawler undivided and are remaining in my now dwelling house, my will is that my said brother shall have the sum of £8 for and in lieu ? and ? satisfaction of his part in the said household goods to be paid to my executix unto him within three months next after he shall demand the same and in case the said £8 shall not be paid unto him in the said three months next after ? his demand that then my said brother shall have and take away the said goods after that time, at his will and pleasure. Whereunto my said brother hath consented and did agree thereunto. The rest and residue of my goods and chattells not above by me given and bequeathed, I do give and bequeath unto Mary Gawler, my wife whom I do make and ordain my full and whole executrix. In witness whereof I hereunto set my hand and seal and publish this my last will and testament. The day and year last above written.
The mark of Henry Gawler sealed and published in the presence of us: the mark of Humphrey Gawler & William Stand......

Mary = fields, furniture and £10 per annum

Isaac = reversion of fields + residue
John = Furzefield in Ashill

Sarah, wife of George Gawler = £100 Susannah, wife of Hugh Collins = rents of land in Fivehead

John Ostler, Eliza Bobinger, Giles Partridge

Notes at bottom of probate, states that Mary, Hannah and Richard probably predeceased their father.

Thomas Slatter = £20
John Collins = £20
Robert Slatter = £20

First Cousin:
Robert Standerwick = £20
James Crabb = £20

Joan, wife of Jas. Bennett = £12 per annum
Wm., son of Joan Bennett = lands re.

Brother & Exor.:
Isaac Standerwick = lands re.

Sarah Gawler = £20 per annum
Susannah Collins = rents of Owlshays re.

Isaac Standerwick jun. = lands in reversion
Henry Gawler = £400
Josiah Collins = rents in reversion
Robert Collins = £100

Hannah Gawler = £300
Sarah Gawler = £200
Mary Gawler = £200
Sarah Collins = £100
Susannah Collins = £100

Hugh Collins = £10

I, Henry Gawler of Broadway in the County of Somerset, Wickyarn Maker, do make my last will and testament in manner & form following (that is to say) First I give & bequeath unto the several persons hereinafter named the several & respective legacies following (that is to say) to my great nephew Thomas Gawler (son of my late nephew John Gawler deceased) sum of £30 to Henry Gawler (another son of the said John Gawler deceased) the sum of £40 to my nephew Thomas Gawler of Nimner within the Parish of Chard in the said County the sum of £30 to my great nephew Robert Gawler of Chard aforesaid (another son of John Gawler deceased) the sum of £40 to my great neice Sophia Cleale (daughter of Jacob Cleale of Horton within the Parish IIlminster in the said County) the sum of £120 to Hannah Hayes my great neice £10 to my great neice Elizabeth Gawler of Bristol, the sum of £20 and to Robert Gawler, son of my late nephew Robert Pinney Gawler of Nimmer aforesaid Clothier the sum of £10 which said legacies it is my will shall be paid in 6 months next after my decease. Also I give & bequeath unto Thomas Cleale (son of the said Jacob Cleale) the sum of £15 and to Daniel Cleale (another son of the said Jacob Cleale) the sum of £5 which said last mentioned legacies of £15 & £5 shall be paid to the said Thomas Cleale & Daniel Cleale on their respective arrival to the age of 21 years with lawful interest from my decease. Also I give, devise & bequeath unto John.Gawler (son of my said late nephew John Gawler deceased) his Heirs, Ex'ors, Adm'ors & Assigns all my Lands, Tenements & Herediments whether Freehold, Copyhold or Leasehold situate lying & being in the Parish of Combe Saint Nichalas in the said County but subject nevertheless & exclusively charged & chargeable with the payment of £50 which I hereby give to Sarah Cleale (wife of the said Jacob Cleale) in manner following (that is to say) I direct the said legacy to be paid into the proper hands of the said Sarah Cleale for her separate use by installments of 2/- per week till the sum of £50 shall be made up but in case the said Sarah Cleale shall die before she has received the whole thereof then the residue of the said £50 shall within 3 months after her decease be paid to her children who shall be then living share & share alike & I exonerate all my other effects from such legacy of £50. Also I give & devise all that my messuage or dwelling house with the gardens, orchards & appurtenances thereto belonging commonly known by the name of Bullen situate in the Parish of Broadway aforesaid unto my said brother George Gawler & the heirs of his body lawfully begotten & it is my will that the legacy of £50 given to the said Sophia Cleale by the will of my late sister Betty Gawler & for which Mrs. Tamesin Burrough in such will named took my promissory note shall be paid to her the said Sophia Cleale in one month next after my decease & that the said Sophia Cleale shall also have all the specific legacies given to her by my said sister's will it being my intention that the legacy hereby given to the said Sophia Cleale shall be in addition to those given by my said sister. All the rest, residue & remainder of my goods, chattels & personal estate I give unto my said two great nephews John Gawler & Robert Gawler (sons of my nephew John Gawler deceased) in equal shares & proportions & I appoint my friends Mr. Richard Burrough of Horton and Mr. John Gibbs of Barrington executors in trust of this my last will and testament provided always, and I hereby direct that neither of my said executors shall be answerable for more monies or other property than shall actually come to his hands by virtue of my this my will nor for any loss which may happen of or to the same unless it be occasioned by his wilful default and that neither of my said executors shall be answerable for the acts of the other of them and that it shall be lawful for each of my said executors to deduct pay and reimburse out of the residue of my personal estate all costs, losses, charges and expenses which they or either of them may sustain or be put unto by undertaking this my will in witness whereof I abovenamed Henry Gawler, the Testator, have to this my last will and testament contained in this & the preceding sheet of paper set my hand and seal (to wit) my hand at the bottom of the preceding sheet and my hand and seal to this sheet of paper the 17th day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight eighteen (1818)
- the mark of Henry Gawler.
The writing contained in this & the preceding sheet of paper was signed and sealed by the above named Henry Gawler, the Testator, and by him published and declared as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us who have hereto in his and each others presence set our names as witnesses, Isaac Hayes, John Paul, Wm. Bennett.
This agrees with the original: ------ Signatures

I, Betty Gawler, of the Parish of Broadway in the County of Somerset, spinster, do make my last will and testament as follows: First I give and bequeath unto my great niece Sophia Cleal, all my wearing apparel and the following articles of household furniture (that is to say) my best set of china, best tea-pot, silver tea tongs, half a dozen silver tea spoons, one silver table spoon, the best bed and bedstead and the furniture thereof now in the parlour chamber and one ? of a ? of the rest of my household furniture, and also my two gold rings, also I give unto the said Sophia Cleal, fifty pounds to be paid in one month after the decease of my brother Henry Gawler. All the rest residue and remainder of my personal estate and effects and all my real estate I give and bequeath unto my brother Henry Gawler and I appoint him sole executor of this my last will and testament, and I appoint my kinswoman Mrs. Tamesin Burroughs, late of Donyatt, widow, to be a trustee for the said Sophia Cleal and to receive, manage and take care of the goods , monies and other things hereby given to her until she shall be of proper age to take the same under her own management. In witness whereof I have hereto set my hand and seal the twentyeighth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and eight.
Signed , sealed, published and declared by the said Betty Gawler the testatrix, as and for her last will and testament, the words"and all my real estate" having been first interlined in the presence of us, who in her presence have hereto set our names as witness - John Baker - Isaac Hayes - Maria Hayes
The copy of the original will, the same having been ? therewith this the 8th day of April 1812 by us. signatures

Deposition of JOHN GAWLER, 27 Oct. 1854

I, John Gawler of Combe St. Nicholas in the County of Somerset, Clothier. Do solemnly and sincerely declare as follows. I am seventy six years old and am the eldest son of John Gawler late of Combe St. Nicholas aforesaid Clothier who died there in the month of August- one thousand eight hundred and eleven leaving six children (?) myself, my brothers, Thomas, Robert and Henry and my two sisters Hannah who intermarried with Jacob Hayes and is now deceased, and Elizabeth now the widow of Thomas Kneath late of swansea(?) who died early in this present year. My brother Henry was the youngest of the family and was born in the year one thousand seven hundred and ninety-five. And I declare that my said father was, as I have heard and believe the eldest son of Thomas Gawler late of Wimmer(?) in the parish of Chard who died there on or about the twenty first day of September one thousand seven hundred and ninety eight , as I well remember.
And I declare that I was well acquainted with my two great uncles Henry Gawler and George Gawler, the brothers of my said grandfather. I remember the death of my said Great Uncle Henry Gawler which happened at Broadway in the said County, in the month of April one thousand eight hundred and nineteen. He died without issue and was never married. My said Great Uncle George survived his brother, the said Henry Gawler and died at Bristol a few years after him. And I declare that my said Great Uncle George had four children only (?) Henry Gawler who survived him and died soon after his father leaving one child only a daughter and never having had any son, John who died a Bachelor at Gloucester many years before his father, George who died a Bachelor of Broadway aforesaid several years before his father and Sarah who intermarried with Jacob Cleal and is dead leaving numerous family. And I further declare that I was well acquainted with my said Grandfather's sister Ann Gawler and as I well recollect that she died a spinster at Broadway aforesaid intestate soon after my said grandfather leaving my father her heir at l? her surviving. And I declare that I have heard and belive it to be true that my said Grandfather was the eldest son of my Great Grandfather Thomas Gawler formerly of Broadway aforesaid and that he and his said brothers Henry and George and his said sister Ann and another daughter named Betty were the only children of my said Great Grandfather. And I make this solemn declaration for the purpose of satisfying a certain purchaser of the truth thereof and consientiously believing the same to be true . And by virtue of the provisions of an Act passed in the Session of Parliament, of the fifth and sixth years of the reign of his late Majesty King William the "? ?" . An act to repeal an act of this present session of Parliament ? ?? for the more effectual abolition of Oaths and Affirmations ? and made in various departments of the state and to substitute declarations in lieu thereof and for the more entire suppression of voluntary and unnessacary Oaths.
It is signed by John Gawler.

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