*A note about references: Hovering your cursor over a reference number will produce a tooltip (if your browser supports them) denoting the reference being used, clicking on the reference number will bring up a popup window, with further details on the source of reference: Each individual reference number refers to one source, though it may be the source for multiple pieces of information and therefore used multiple times within this site.

[24]German, Birth, Death and Marriage Record
[25] Will of Johann Hans OHRT, written 5th May 1882(?)
[26] Will of Charlotte Martha OHRT, written 7th Jan. 1907
[27] Will of Edmund LYONS, written
[28] Will of Elizabeth Washer LYONS, written 29th Jan. 1903
[29] Will of James BUTLER, written 28th Oct. 1889
[30] Will of Francis FERNANDEZ alias VERNON, written 31st May 1884
[36] Reproduction of the contents of the Will of William STANDERWICK, written 23 Mar 1688
[37] Reproduction of the contents of the Will of Isaac STANDERWICK, written 16 Aug 1717
[38] Collateral William SSTANDERWICK, Proven 2 Dec 1656

 This is the last will and testament of me Hans Ohrt of Murchison, in the County of Rodney, in the Colony of Victoria ? ? ? all former testamentary ? of my property. I give bequeath and devise to my dear wife Charlotte, all my real and personal estate of any kind whatever for her own use absolutely and I appoint my said wife sole executrix of this my last will. As witness by my hand this fifth day of May one thousand eight hundred and eighty two.
Signed by Hans Ohrt

WILL OF Charlotte Martha OHRT, 7th Jan 1907
 I, Charlotte Ohrt of Murchison, in the State of Victoria Widow, hereby revoke all wills and testamentary dispositions heretofore made by made and declare this to be my last will and testament. I give and bequeath to my daughter Elizabeth Daish, wife of Thomas Daish of Shepparton, Butcher and Caroline Hoey, of Shepparton, Widow, the sum of ten pounds each for their sole use and benefit absolutely. The residue of my estate of whatsoever nature and whatsoever ? of which I shall die possessed to my daughter Charlotte McCracken of Murchison, Widow, for her sole use and benefit absolutely and I appoint my said daughter Charlotte McCracken to be the sole executrix of this my will. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand by making my mark hereto to this my will this seventh day of January One Thousand nine hundred and seven.

 This is the last will and testament of Edmund Lyons, corner or Maud and Bellarine streets, in the State of Victoria. I appoint my wife Elizabeth Washer Lyons as my sole executrix. I ? devise and bequeath all my property to my wife Elizabeth Washer Lyons. In witness whereof I have set my hand this seventh day of January in the year of our Lord , One thousand nine hundred and three.
Signed: Edmund Lyons.

 This is the last will and testament of me: Elizabeth Washer Lyons (formerly Ashley) , of Maud and Bellarine Sts., Geelong, in the State of Victoria.
After paying all my just debts, funeral and testamentray expenses. I give devise and bequeath all my real and personal estate as follows:
Should my husband Edmund Lyons outlive me, he shall have the use of all my estate, provided he does not marry again. If he marries again he shall at once cease to be a beneficiary under this will.
The butchering business, also horses and carts and all connected with it, except the shop, shall be handed over to my sons Alfred Charles and Arthur Ashley cojointly but all uncollected accounts must, when received, be paid in my estate. The butcher's shop shall be leased to them cojointly, for a period not exceeding ten years, dating from my decease, at a rental fixed upon by my executor, which rent shall be ? divided between my daughters Evaline Emma and Laura Lavinia. If either or both of the said daughters should marry during the period of ten years after my decease, her or their share shall be equally divided between all my surviving children.
If my daughters Evaline Emma and Laura Lavinia, or either of them remain unmarried, their or the unmarried daughter as the case may be, shall have the use of my house adjoining the shop and situated in Bellarine St., Geelong; also all goods and chattels therein, free of all rent unless the house is let to one of my sons Alfred Charles or Arthur Ashley, who must provide a home for my unmarried daughter or daughters with him free of charge. The first offer to rent the house for a period not exceeding ten years from my decease, is to be made to my son Alfred Charles, at a rent to be fixed by my executor. If Alfred Charles refuses to rent the house, a similar offer is to be made to my son Arthur Ashley; rent to be paid to my executor or his agent, at regular periods, who shall pay it to my unmarried daughter or daughters for her or their sole use & benefit.
If either or both of my daughters should marry or die during the ten years, half of the rent, or the whole of the rent, as the case my be, shall be equally divided between ALL my surviving children.
If either of daughters should marry she must not reside on this property with her husband.
My house and land in McKillop St., Geelong and my house and land in Maud St., Geelong are to be sold at my decease or at the decease of my husband, should he outlive me, or at his marriage , should he marry again, at a price satisfactory to my executor. The proceeds of sale to be divided as follows; one fourth to each of my daughters Evaline Emma and Laura Lavinia; the remaining half to be equally divided between my other surviving children. If either , or both, of the above named daughters should pre-decease me, her or their share, shall be equally divided between my sons Alfred Charles and Arthur Ashley.
At the expiration of ten years after my decease, all my property at the corner or Maud and Bellarine Sts., comprising butchers shop and dwelling house, with allotment or allotments of land upon which they are erected, shall be sold at a price satisfactory to my executor. The first offer must be made to my sons Alfred Charles and Arthur Ashley cojointly; and the price received shall be disposed of as follows; one fourth to each of my daughters Evaline Emma and Laura Lavinia; the balane to be equally divided between my other surviving children. Goods and chattels in the house shall then become the property of my unmarried daughter or daughters cojointly. If both of my daughters named above are married, all the goods and chattels shall be sold and the proceeds divided; one fourth to Evaline Emma and one fourth to Laura Lavinia; the balance shall be equally divided between my other survivng children.
If either or both of my unmarried daughters are dead, her or their share, as the case may be, shall be equally divided between my sons Alfred Charles and Arthur Ashley.
And I hereby appoint my son-in-law Laurence Tait, Methodist Minister, soleexecutor of this my will. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this twenty-ninth day of January, in the year of our Lord One thousand nine hundred and three.
Signed: Elizabeth Washer Ashley.

 This is the last will and testament of me James Butler, of Seymour, in the Colony of Victoria farmer. I give and devise unto my son Robert Butler, my property situate in the township of Seymour , where I now reside, being allotments nine, ten and eleven , of section 'C'. Also my allotment of land near the Goulburn River, being number 7 of section 'X', Parish of Seymour. To hold to my said son Robert for his absolute use. And I give devise and bequeath all the residue of my real estate, also my leasehold property and also all my personal estate whatsoever unto my executor and executrix, hereafter named upon trust for sale and conversion and the proceeds thereof after payment of any just debts and funeral and testamentary expenses, to be equally divided between my said son Robert and my daughter Jessie Johnson, the wife of Grosvenor Johnson, and Jemima Thompson, the wife of George Thompson, And I appoint my said son Robert Butler and my said daughter Jessie Johnson, executor and executrix of this my will. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand, this twenty-eighth day of October, One thousand eight hundred and eighty nine.
Signed: James Butler

 I, Francis Vernon being now possessed of a sound mind, do hereby bequeath all property belonging to me (both that in my actual possesion and the land I have selected near the Avoca Road) as follows , the whole of it to go to my son Francis Vernon, farmer near Avoca Road, Kara Kara to be his absolutely and entirely.
Signed: with the mark of Francis Vernon

 Original destroyed in the bombing of Exeter:
23 Mar 1688 William STANDERWICKE of Broadway
Will: No. 1, extract by J. W. STANDERWICK
  Daughter, Avis wife of James HAYNES: £20 + 2 pewter platters.
Grandchildren - 2 daughters of above: £5 each.
Daughter, Mary STANDERWICK: £10 + bed, platters and barrels.
Daughter, Hannah STANDERWICK: £140 + bed, platters and barrels.
Grandson, Isaac son of John deceased: £5.
Daughter, Susan wife of John BAKER: £20.
Grandaughter, Mary BAKER: £5.
Grandson, William BAKER: £5.
Grandson, John BAKER: £5.
Son, William STANDERWICKE: cupboard and brass pot.
Son & executor, Isaac STANDERWICKE: residue.
Grandson, William STANDERWICKE: silver bode.
Witnesses: Thomas HUNT & Thomas EYLETT.
  Notes on above Will by J. W. STANDERWICK:
Hannah STANDERWICKE became wife of George POOLE: she was buried 18 June 1707 and her descendants POOLE and PIERSONS are numerous in America.
Isaac STANDERWICK son of John was probably but not certainly ancestor of the STANDERWICKs of Bourton and Mere. He and his father were of White Lackington (the Hermitage?).
William STANDERWICK married Anne daughter of Nicholas BAKER of Thorncombe and widow of Henry GAWLER, but left no issue. Wm BADGE has a painting of him. He rebuilt Porch House. His painting has now been given to me by Wm LLOYD.
William STANDERWICK the grandson was known as 'King' William.



Original destroyed in the Exeter bombing:
16 Aug 1717 Isaac STANDERWICK of Broadway
Will: No. 5 - see P.C.C. wills, extract by J. W. STANDERWICK
Daughter, Mary STANDERWICK: £200 + cup, dishes, pan and chest.
Daughter, Susannah STANDERWICK: £200.
Daughter, Avice STANDERWICK: £200 + bedstead.
Daughter, Ann wife of John PINNEY, clothier: £1.1s.0d.
Son, Richard STANDERWICK: Ridneys, etc.
Son, William STANDERWICK: Land at Broadway Hill.
Son & executor, Isaac STANDERWICK: Trenchards Firstfield + residue of estate.
Witnesses: B. CLARKE, John FFLOOD, John MORRIS, James FFLOOD.

Collateral of William Standerwick
son = William Standerwick - 20/-
son = Richard Standerwick - 20/-
daughter = Avis House (wife of George) - 20/-
daughter = Mary Standerwick - 50 pounds
grandchildren = Five children of daughter Jane, deceased wife of Edward Talbot - 20/- each
grandchildren = five children of daughter Elizabeth, deceased wife of Nicholas Jeffery - 13/4d each
children of William:
grandaughter = Susan Standerwick - 10/-
grandson = John Standerwick - 10 /-
grandson = William Standerwick - 10/-
grandaughter = Avis Standerwick - 10/-
grandaughter = Hanna Standerwick - 10/-
grandaughter = Mary Standerwick - 10/-
children of Richard;
grandson = Joseph Standerwick - 10/-
grandson = Samuell Standerwick - 10/-
grandaughter = Sarah Standerwick - 10/-
son = Francis Standerwick = residue - residue
Proved 2 dec 1656
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