*A note about references: Hovering your cursor over a reference number will produce a tooltip (if your browser supports them) denoting the reference being used, clicking on the reference number will bring up a popup window, with further details on the source of reference: Each individual reference number refers to one source, though it may be the source for multiple pieces of information and therefore used multiple times within this site.

[31] Will of Robert Beales, written 27th July 1873, Proved 23 Oct 1884
[32] Will Of Mary Beales, Probate granted 6 Jun 1899
[33] Probate Of William Beales, 25th July 1905
[34] Will Of John Harcombe, 10th July 1914
[35] Will of Robert Elijah Beales, 3rd Apr 1906
[36] Will of Lydia Knight, 24th Dec 1888
[39] Will of Mary Binder, 20 Apr 1861
[40] Will of Henry Lobb, 27 Apr 1885
[41] Will of William Lobbe, 20 Jan 1736
[42] Admin. of John & Mary Lobbe, 24 Sep 1741
[43] Will of Ann Bampton, 18 Jan 1757, Codicil 29 Aug 1758
[44] Will of John Lobb, 25 Sep 1853
[45] Will of Thomas Harcombe, 26 Dec 1780


  This is the last Will and Testament of me Robert Beales of Number four Nelson Street in the Parish of Saint Andrew the Less in the Borough and County of Cambridge made this twenty seventh day of July in the year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and eighty three I hereby revoke all Wills by me at any time heretofore made I appoint Arthur Rutter and John Lawson Rutter of Fitzroy Street in the Parish of Saint Andrew the Less in the Borough of Cambridge Bakers to be my Executors and direct that all my just debts funeral and Testamentary expenses shall be paid as soon as conveniently may be after my decease.
I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Mary Beales all monies of whatsoever kind and wherever invested unto my beloved wife Mary Beales that may be in my possession or accruing to me at my death Also all my household furniture and a small allotment of land in Sturton Street in the Parish of Saint Andrew the Less in the Borough of Cambridge by admeasurement eighteen feet frontage and one hundred and sixty feet in depth and as now in the occupation of one Blake for the life time of my said Wife Mary Beales.
I desire that at the death of my said Wife all the above named property to be sold and the proceeds arising therefrom to be equally divided amongst my children.
I further desire that a broker shall be called in at my death to value the furniture I may die possessed of.
Dated this twenty seventh day of July One thousand eight hundred and eighty three - Robert Beales
Signed by the said Testator in the presence of me present at the same time who in his presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names - Thomas Constable, King Street, Cambridge -Henry William Wheaton, 47 Fitzroy Street, Cambridge

Proved at Peterborough the 23rd day of October 1884 by the oaths of - Arthur Rutter and John Lawson Rutter the Executors to whom administration was granted.
The Testator Robert Beales was late of No. 4 Nelson Street in the Borough and County of Cambridge Tailor and died on the 12th day of April 1884 at 4 Nelson Street, Cambridge aforesaid.
Under 200 pounds Gross 153 pounds: Ellison Burrows & Freeman, Solrs. Cambridge.



  The is the last Will and Testament of me Mary Beales of Number 4 Nelson street in the Borough of Cambridge Widow. I revoke all testamentary dispositions made by me I appoint Arthur Rutter and John Lawson Rutter both of Fitzroy Street in the said Borough of Cambridge Bakers to be Executors and Trustees of this my Will I give devise and bequeath all the real and personal estate which shall belong to me at my decease to the said Arthur Rutter and John Lawson Rutter Upon trust to sell and convert into money my said real and personal estate when and as the Trustees or Trustee for the time being of my Will shall in their or his discretion deem it most advantageous so to do.
And I declare that in the meantime and until conversion or sale thereof respectively such real and personal estate and the rents interest and yearly produce thereof respectively shall be subject to the trusts hereinafter contained concerning the money to arise from such sale And that such real estate shall be considered as converted in equity from the time of my decease for the purposes of such trusts and provisions And I direct my said Trustees or Trustee to stand possessed of the monies to arise as aforesaid Upon trust to pay thereout my debts funeral and testamentary expenses and to divide the residue of the said trust monies among all my children in equal shares In witness whereof I the said Mary Beales the testatrix have hereunto set my hand this thirtieth day of January One thousand eight hundred and eighty five.
Mary Beales
Signed and declared by the above named Mary Beales the testatrix as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us at the same time who in her presence at her request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses. R.C. Burrows, Solr. Cambridge; George W. Haslop, Clerk to Messrs. Ellison Burrows and Foreman, Solicitors, Cambridge.
On the 6th day of June 1899 Probate of this Will was granted at Peterborough to Arthur Rutter and John Lawson Rutter the Executors.


  This is the last Will & Testament of me William Beales of Geelong in Victoria Tailor. I give & bequeath my half share in the tailoring & outfitting business carried on by me & my son Alfred Beales in Moorabool Street, Geelong including the stock in trade, fixtures, fittings & book debts unto the said Alfred Beales absolutely, free of any Government duty. I also give to the said Alfred Beales one of my gold watches & all my books in the bookcase at my residence & also the two paintings of myself & my late wife.
I give to my son Thomas Nicholas Beales my other gold watch & chain & also all the trophies formerly his property & contained in one of my glass cases at my residence & also the enlarged photograph of himself. I give all my gold rings unto & between my three daughters Amelia Norton, Emily Hughes & Maud Morton in equal shares. I give devise & bequeath all real estate & all the rest & residue of my personal estate unto my trustees & executors hereinafter named upon trust to sell, collect, get in & convert the same into money & after payment of my just debts, funeral & testamentary expenses, Government duty & executors commission I direct my said trustees to pay thereout the following bequests namely to my son William Robert Beales the sum of fifty pounds, such sum to be paid to him by weekly payments of not less than ten shillings at the discretion of my trustees until the said sum of fifty pounds shall be fully expended. To my daughter Kate Richardson the sum of fifty pounds & to my housekeeper Marion Hind if alive & in my employ at the time of my decease the sum of twenty five pounds. I also direct my said trustees to retain in their hands the sum of ten pounds to be used by them in keeping my grave headstone & railing in repair & I further direct my said trustees to pay & divide the rest & residue of the said trust premises, moneys & estate unto & between my following children namely Amelia Norton, Emily Hughes, Arthur Beales, Charles Herbert Beales, Thomas Nicholas Beales & Maud Morton & Henry Elijah Beales in equal shares, share & share alike & I appoint William Henry Eden & John George Penberthy, both of Geelong, Law Clerks trustees & executors of this my last Will & empower them to charge a commission of three pounds per centum on the gross value of my estate for acting as such & carrying out the provisions & directions of this my Will & I hereby revoke all other Wills by me at any time heretofor made. In witness thereof I have hereunto set my hand this twenty fifth day of July A.D. 1905 - William Beales
- Signed by the said William Beales the testator as & for his last Will & Testament in the presence of us present at the same time who at his request in his presence & in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our hands as witnesses. - John Francis Ward, Tailor's Assistant, Geelong; W.H. Eden, Law Clerk, Geelong.


  I, John Harcombe of Number 14 Carlyle Street, Upper Hawthorn in the state of Victoria Retired Miner - revoke all prior wills and declare this to be my last will and testament, I appoint Gustave William Bachmann of Number 14 Carlyle Street aforesaid Accountant to be Executor and Trustee of this my will and declare that in the interpretation of this my will the expression "my trustee" shall (where the context permits) mean and include the trustees or trusteee for the time being hereof whether original or substituted.
I bequeath the following legacies free of probate, legacy or other duty namely. To my daughter Alice Bachmann of Number 14 Carlyle Street aforesaid the sum of Two hundred and Twenty pounds as some return for the way in which she has kept me and looked after my comfort for years. To my grand daughter Alma Homes the sum of ten pounds. To my grand daughter Louisa Miller the sum of ten pounds. I devise and bequeath all my real and personal estate including any estate over which I may have any power of appointment or disposition to my trustee upon trust to sell, call in and convert the same to money and to hold the proceeds of such sale, calling in and conversion Upon trust thereout to pay my debts, funeral and testamentary expenses and the legacies hereinbefore bequeathed and to hold the balance of such proceeds Upon trust to divide the same among my sons John, Frederick, William, Robert and Thomas Harcombe and my daughters Alice Bachmann, Emily Homes, Jane Leach and Ann Todd in equal shares, the share of any son or daughter predeaceasing me to go to his or her children.
Dated this tenth day of July One thousand nine hundred and fourteen John Harcombe.
Signed by the Testator John Harcombe in the joint presence of us who thereupon in his and each others presence subscibed our names as witnesses Wm J. Fockes, Solr. Melbourne T.C. Alston, Solr. Melbourne


  THIS IS THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT of me ROBERT ELIJAH BEALES of 111 Sturton Street in the Borough of Cambridge Tailor I appoint my son George Thomas Beales to be sole EXECUTOR of this my will. I devise my freehold house and premises Number 111 Sturton Street Cambridge aforesaid and Plot of land adjoining all in my own occupation and all other my real estate (if any) unto and to the sole use of my said son George Thomas Beales his heirs and assigns for ever As to my money whether in the Bank or payable from my benefit club or elsewhere I bequeath the same after payment thereout of my just debts funeral and testementary expenses unto and to be divided between all my children except my son Robert Beales but including my said son George Thomas Beales in equal shares and proportions and if any or either of my said children shall have died during my lifetime leaving lawful issue living at my decease I direct that such issue respectfully shall take the share which his or her or their parent would (if living) have taken and in equal shares if there be more than one such issue And as to all my household furniture and other household and personal effects and all my other estate not hereinbefore disposed of I give and bequeath the same unto my said son George Thomas Beales for his own absolute use and benefit and I revoke all former wills and testamentary dispositions and do declare this to be my last will and Testament IN WITNESS I the said Robert Elijah Beales have hereunto set my hand this third day of April one thousand nine hundred and six - ROBERT ELIJAH BEALES
- Signed by the said Robert Elijah Beales the Testator as and for his last will and Testament in the presence of us present at the same time who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as attesting witnesses:- H BAILEY Solicitor Cambridge - FRANK BUTTRESS His Clerk
On the 12th day of December 1923 Probate of this Will was granted to George Thomas Beales the sole Executor.


  Lydia Knight; late of Maryborough, Widow
This is the last Will and Testament of me Lydia Knight of Maryborough in the Colony of Victoria Widow. I give devise and bequeath unto my niece Elizabeth Ann Letch, Wife of William Letch, Station Master at Melton in the Colony of Victoria All that piece of land containing by admeasurement one rood more or less situated in the County of Talbot, Parish of Maryborough being allotment eight, Section forthy-five Township of Maryborough on which is erected the household residence now occupied by me together with all the household furniture, chattels and effects now in and about the said premises for her own use and benefit absolutely And as to all the rest, residue and remainder of my real and personal Estate which I may die possessed of whatsoever and wheresoever (except estates vested in me as a mortgagee in Trustee) I give devise and bequeath the same unto John Mitchell Barr of Footscray near Melbourne in the Colony aforesaid, auctioneer, and John Harcombe of the Victorian Railways, Engine Driver, upon trust to gather & convert into money all residue of my said real and personal estate or such part thereof as shall not consist of money and shall with and out of the money produced by such sale, calling in and conversion and with and out of such part of my personal estate as shall consist of money pay my funeral and testamentary expenses and debts and thereafter to pay the following legacies To my sister Jane Brokenshire of 19 Melbourne Street, Plymouth Eng the sum of Two Hundred Pounds To my brother William Brokenshire of Bouch Mill near Lostwithiel Cornwall Eng, Miller the sum of Two Hundred pounds. To my said niece Elizabeth Ann Letch, wife of William Letch aforesaid the sum of One Hundred pounds.
To Harriet Harcombe, the wife of John Harcombe on the Victorian Railways the sum of One Hundred pounds. To Mary Anderson of Williams Road Toorakin the said Colony, Dressmaker the sum of Fifty pounds. To Isabella Anderson of the same place, Dressmaker the like sum of Fifty pounds both the two last named Legacies are given in appreciation of their kindness to me. To Mary Ann Neilson, Wife of John Neilson of Bourke Street Maryborough aforesaid, Carpenter the sum of One Hundred pounds. to my nephew John Murley of Eaglehawk Sandhurst in the said Colony, Tailor the sum of one Hundred pounds. To the children of Harriet Harcombe, wife of John Harcombe, Engine Driver the sum of Twenty pounds to be equally divided between them. To Georgina Seales, Wife of Samuel Seales of Inglewood in the said Colony, Journalist the sum of One Hundred pounds. To the children of the said Samuel Seales and Georgina Seales the sum of Thirty pounds to be divided between them in equal shares. And as to the residue and remainder of my said real and personal estate (if any) after the payment of my funeral and testamentary expenses debts and legacies as before directed. I give devise and bequeath the same to Elizabeth Ann Treloar, Wife of Mr Treloar of Eaglehawk aforesaid, Miner for her own use and benefit. I give and devise all estates vested in me as a Trustee or Mortgagee unto the said John Mitchell Barr and the said John Harcombe subject to the Trusts and equities affecting the same respectively but so that the money secured by any Mortgage shall form part of my personal estate. And I appoint the said John Mitchell Barr and John Harcombe Executors of this my Will. As witness my hand this Twenty fourth day of December, One thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight - Lydia Knight
Signed by the Testatrix Lydia Knight as and for her last Will and Testament in the presence of us present at the same time who in her presence at her request and in the presense of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as Witnesses - Wm Waters Many Clerk of Messrs, Matthews & Herring Solcs. of Maryborough - George Garthy Contractor Maryborough - Eliza Annie Goldsworthy Maryborough


  This is the last Will and Testament of me Mary Binder of Fitzroy Street in the parish of Saint Andrew the Less in the Town of Cambridge Widow - I hereby revoke all former and other Wills by me at anytime heretofore made
And I appoint my friends William Baker of Fitzroy Street aforesaid Grocer and Arthur Rutter of the same place Baker Executors of this my Will
I give and devise unto my eldest son Thomas Watts Binder of the City of Lincoln - Supervisor of Inland Revenue his heirs and assigns for ever all that messuage or tenement with the land and right of way and all other the rights and appurtenances thereto belonging situate and being in Fitzroy Street in the said parish of Saint Andrew the Less and now in the occupation of Robert Shippey and which premises intended to be devised to my said son were conveyed by the late William Willson unto my late husband William Binder by certain Indentures dated the twenty fourth and twenty fifth days of May One thousand eight hundred and thirty three.
I give and devise unto my daughter Sarah Seabrook and the said William Baker and Arthur Rutter their heirs and assigns for ever Upon trust for my son Elijah Watts Binder his heirs and assigns forever all those three messuages or tenements with the appurtenances situate in Fitzroy Street in the said parish of St Andrew the Less numbered respectively 84, 85 and 86 as the same are bounded on or towards the west by a passage and now or late in the several occupations of Mr Poynton, Edward Lawton and Mrs Pryke and also all those two messusages or tenements with the appurtenances situate in the same street and parish and numbered respectively 45 and 46 one of which is now in the occupation of Francis Langton and the other is unoccupied as the same are bounded on or towards the west by a passage and on or towards the east by a Public-house known by the sign of the "Old English Gentleman" and which premises I purchased of Michael Gibbs and his wife.
I also give and bequeath unto the said Sarah Seabrook, William Baker and Arthur Rutter their executors administrators and assigns Upon trust for my said son Elijah Watts Binder his executors, administrators and assigns all those three leasehold messuages or tenements with the appurtenances situate in Fitzroy Street aforesaid and in the said parish of Saint Andrew the Less numbered respectively 48, 49 and 50 and now in the several occupations of myself, Mrs Richardson and George Jarman and also all those three other leashold messuages or tenements with the apputenances situate in Nelson Street, formerly called Union Row, in the said parish of St Andrew the Less numbered respectively 1, 2 an 3 which premises adjoin the said messuage numbered 50 and are divided from the messuage numbered 4 hereinafter devised to my daughter Mary the wife of Robert Beales and now or late in the several occupations of Mr. Grant, George Martin and Thomas Bell .
I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary the wife of Robert Beales all those my four leasehold messuages or tenements with the appurtenances situate in Nelson Street in the said parish of St Andrew the Less numbered respectively 4,5,6 and 7 and now or late in the several occupations of John Willis, John Milton, Mrs Ind and Samuel Jukes To hold the same unto the said Mary Beales her executors administrators and assigns for all my estate and interest therein for her own separate use free from the control, debts and engagements of her present or any future husband.
I give and bequeath unto the said Sarah Seabrook, William Baker and Arhur Rutter their executors, administrators and assigns Upon trust for my son Robert Jeffery Binder his executors administrators and assigns all those four leasehold messusages or tenements with the appurtenances situate in Nelson Street in the said parish of St Andrew the Less numbered respectively 8, 9. 10 and 11 and now or late in the several occupations of Mr. Everitt, Robert Winning, Thomas Mills and Robert Beales.
I also give and devise unto the said Sarah Seabrook, William Baker and Arthur Rutter their heirs and assigns forever Upon trust for my said son Robert Jeffery Binder his heirs and assigns for ever all those three freehold messuages or tenements with the appurtenances situate in Fitzroy Street in the said parish of St Andrew the Less numbered respectively 81, 82 and 83 and now or late in the several occupations of Mrs Shedd, Mr. Flindell and John Read and bounded on the west by premises devised In trust for my son Elijah Watts Binder and on the east by the messuages next hereinafter described and also all those two freehold messuages or tenements with the appurtenances situate in Wellington Street in the said parish of St Andrew the Less numbered respectively 24 and 25 and now or late in the several occupations of Harry Whitehead and Mrs. Bridge and which premises adjoin and form a right angle with the said three three freehold messuages lastly hereinbefore described.
I give and bequeath unto the said William Baker and Arthur Rutter all that my leasehold messuage or tenement with the appurtenances situate in Nelson Street in the said parish of St Andrew the Less numbered 12 and now in the occupation of William Pratt together with the joint use of the Pump and gateway belonging to all my messuages or tenements situate in Nelson Street in common with the owners and occupiers respectively for the time being of the other of my messuages or tenements in the same street and also those six leasehold messuages or tenements with the appurtenances situate in the East Road in the said parish of St Andrew the Less numbered respectively 153, 154, 155, 156, 157 and 158 and now or late in the several occupations of Hammond, Langley, Fletcher, Maris and Norton. To hold the said seven messuages or tenements with the appurtenances unto the said William Baker and Arthur Rutter their executors administrators and assigns for all my estate and interest therein Upon trust for my daughter Sarah Seabrook and her assigns during her life without impeachment of waste for her separate use free from the control, debts and engagements of her present or any future husband and after her decease Upon trust to for such person or persons for such estate or estates and in such manner as the said Sarah Seabrook (whether covert or sole and notwithstanding her coverture) shall by her last Will and Testament direct and appoint or in default of or subject to any such direction or appointment Upon trust for her two children Mary Binder Seabrook and Robert Elliott Seabrook their executors administators and assigns as tenants in common.
I give and bequeath unto my son the Reverend William John Binder all my shares and interest in the Unity Fire and Life Insurance Company and also the legacy or sum of fifty pounds. I also give and bequeath unto each of my Sons William John Binder and Thomas Watts Binder all such fancy articles as they may severally select out of my dwellinghouse within one calendar month after my death. I give and beqeath unto my said sons William John Binder and Thomas Watts Binder all my silver plate to be equally divided between (except two small silver mugs one of which I give to my son Robert Jeffery Binder and the other I give to Elijah Watts Binder)
I also give and beqeath unto my Son Elijah Watts Binder all my household furniture and effects which shall be in my dwellinghouse at the time of my decease. I give and beqeath unto my Daughter Sarah Seabrook for her own separate use all the household furniture and effects which shall be in or about any of my other messuages or tenements at the time of my decease and also all my wearing apparel, trinkets and jewellery. and as to the residue of my real and personal estate I give devise and bequeath the same unto my Sons William John Binder and Thomas Watts Binder their heirs executors administrators and assigns as tenants in common.
In witness hereof I the said Mary Binder the testatrix have hereunto set my hand this twentieth day of April in the year of our lord One thousand eight hundred and sixty one - Mary Binder
Signed by the said Mary Binder the testatrix as her last Will and Testament in the presence of us who at her request in her presence and in the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our namrs as
Witnesses - Joseph Garratt Solicitor Cambridge - Arthur Rutter Fitzroy Street Baker


  The Will of Henry Lobb late of the Parish of Lanreath in the County of Cornwall Powder Manufacturer who died 27 May 1885 at Lanreath was proved at Bodmin by John Lobb of Lanreath Powder Manufacturer the Son & Nicholas Cock of the Parish of Duloe in the said County Butcher the Executor.
This is the last Will and Testament of me Henry Lobb of the parish of Lanreath in the County of Cornwall Powder Manufacturer.
I bequeath all my household furniture, linen, china, glass, books, pictures, fuel provisions and other household effects and also my cow carriage and harness unto my son John Lobb and I bequeath to him four of my shares in the East-Cornwall Powder Company limited. I bequeath three of my shares in the same Company to my son James Martin Lobb and I bequeath three of my shares in the same company to my grand-daughter Harriet Lobb.
I devise unto and to the use of the said James Martin Lobb his heirs and assigns the dwellinghouse in which he now resides with the garden thereunto belonging situate at Herodsfoot in the parish of Saint Pinnock in the said County but subject as to the room being part of the same dwellinghouse and which is now occupied by my son Allan Brian Lobb to the declaration hereinafter contained as to the occupation thereof.
I devise unto and to the use of the said Harriet Lobb her heirs and assigns my dwellinghouse with the garden belonging thereto situate at Herodsfoot aforesaid and now in the occupation of the said Allan Brian Lobb and I declare that the said room part of the dwellinghouse hereinbefore devised to the said James Martin Lobb shall continue to be occupied with the said dwellinghouse hereby devised to the said Harriet Lobb. So long as she shall think fit provided she shall pay to the said James Martin Lobb his heirs or assigns the yearly rent of ten shillings during such occupation. I devise unto and to the use of my grandson Oscar Dingle his heirs and assigns my two roomed Cottage (facing the Lanreath road) together with the garden thereunto belonging situate at Herodsfoot aforesaid and now in the occupation of Thomas Wyatt. I devise unto and to the use of my grandson Henry Lobb his heirs and assigns my two roomed Cottage (facing the Courttage) together with the garden thereunto belonging situate at Herodsfoot aforesaid and now in the occupation of Mrs. Roskilly. I devise my dwellinghouse now occupied by Rebecca Lobb with the farm buildings, orchard and garden thereunto adjoining and my Cottage lately occupied by Mary Ann Body but now unoccupied situate at Herodsfoot aforesaid unto and to the use of my son in law Nicholas Cock his heirs and assigns In trust for my grandson Martin Lobb his heirs and assigns. As to all the residue of my real estate I devise the same as to one undivided third part unto and to the use of the said James Martin Lobb his heirs and assigns and as to one other undivided third part thereof unto and to the use of the said Harriet Lobb her heirs and assigns and as to the remaining one undivided third part thereof unto and to the use of the said Nicholas Cock his heirs and assigns In trust for the said Martin Lobb his heirs and assigns.
And as to all the residue of my personal estate I bequeath the same subject to the payment of my just debts, funeral and testamentary expenses unto my said sons James Martin Lobb, Allan Brian Lobb and John Lobb and my daughters Eliza Cock, Emily Colenzo and Eva Dingle in equal shares I appoint the said John Lobb and Nicholas Cock Executors of this my Will. I revoke all former Wills. In Witness whereof I have hereunder set my hand this twenty seventh day of April One thousand eight hundred and eighty five. Henry Lobb.
Signed and acknowledged by the above named Henry Lobb as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us present at the same time and who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each other hereto subscribe our names as Witnesses. Henry Caunter, Solicitor, Liskeard; John Henry Philp, Liskeard.
National Probate Callendars: Wills & Administrations 1885
Lobb, Henry Personal Estate 623 pounds 9s 5d 7 July



  Dated 20th January 1736
In the name of God amen. I, William Lobb the elder, of the Parish of Cardinham, being now weak in body but of sound and disposing mind and memory, thanks to God for it, do make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following. I commend my soul to the mercy of God through Jesus Christ my Saviour and Redeemer and my body to xtian burial.
Item. I give twenty pounds to be equally divided between my grandchildren and paid to them by my executors herein after named - within five years after my decease.
Item. I give to my cousin John Lobb of the Parish of St.Tudy, three ewes to be delivered to him within a month of my death.
Item. I give devise and bequeath my fourth part of the inheritance in the stamping mill below Ker-bridge(?) to my son John Lobb and to his heirs forever, he or they, or one of them paying ten shillings yearly and every year to my cousin Dorothy Pearne of the town of Bodmin during her natural life.
Item. In case that my wife Ann Lobb doth not chuse to live with her children, my will and meaning is that she shall have my tenement called Cullies Hole(?) and five pounds per year to be paid by my son Thomas Lobb as long as she lives. My further will and meaning is that my said wife in the case above mentioned shall have two cows and six ewes, a bed furnished, three pewter dishes, a crock and some other necessaries for her use.
Item. I give to my daughter Frances Lobb the sum of fifty pounds lawful money to be paid her within five years after my death but my will and meaning is that she shall receive the interest on the said sum immediately after my death provided she lives with her mother.
Item. I give to my daughter Ann Cullis three pounds per year as long as she lives to be taken out of the income of my said tenement called Cullies Hole by four equal quarterly payments, from and after the death of my said wife.
Item. Whereas I am lawfully possessed of a parcel of land in old Cardinham called Kents down I do hereby empower and authorise my Executors herein after named to sell it in order to help them pay my just debts.
Item. For all the rest of my goods and chatels (sic) I give and bequeath to my brother-in- law Thomas Wills and to my son Thomas Lobb in trust nevertheless and for the paying and satisfying of my debts and legacies above mentioned. And when that is fully done and accomplished my will and meaning is that my son Thomas Lobb shall have and enjoy all the rights that I have in a tenement called Great Hill and also in a tenement called Lower(Rouse's?) Tanna together with the rights I have in another tenement I have in Temple called Withie('l' or 's'). and my further will and meaning is that as soon as my debts and legacies are fully paid and satisfied as aforesaid, my son William Lobb shall have and enjoy all the rights that I have in a tenement called the Lower Hole, and also Best's Hole together with Cullies Hole after the death of his mother and then he is to pay three pounds per year to his sister Ann Cullies during her natural life. My further will is that my said son William Lobb shall have and enjoy all the rights I have in a Lease(?) Leace(?) S?ale in old Cardinham. And so revoking all former wills by me at any time formerly made I declare this to be my Will and Testament and my brother-in-law Thomas Wills and my son Thomas Lobb to be Executors of the same, witness my hand and seal the twentieth day of January 1736/7.
Signed, sealed published and declared by the said William Lobb as his last Will and Testament in presence of:
Dan Baudres Abigail Keare Elizabeth Lean (Abigail A. Kearne name repeated but spelt differently)

Proved 5th December 1737

Admin. of JOHN & MARY LOBBE, 24 Sept 1741

  An inventory of the goods and chattells of John and Mary Lobb ??? ?? deceased of the Parish of Cardinham, s??l and appraised By us, George Roberts and John ? and Willm. Lobb this 24th Day of Sept 1741.
  Item ? purse(?) & Girdle and wearing Apparell..................................................03:00:00
Item for wh??? & Barley in the Barn and Hay on a Tall??(?)..............................04:00:00
Item ffor a harrow a dray a plow 20 spoaks two knives ba(rn)?..........................01:00:00
Boards and whip and some other stu??s..............................................................included in above amount
Item ffor ? Bedsteads.........................................................................................00:12:00
Item two chestes a S????? 4 Boxes....................................................................00:10:00
Item one feather Bed & 2 Bolsters & 2 Pillows two..............................................01:0?:00
bolsters(?) more..................................................................................................included in above amount
Item two blankets, Quilts(?) a p??k and other old beding and...............................00:06:00
old curtains..........................................................................................................included in above amount
Item 3 st???ing Troughs.......................................................................................00:11:00
Item 2 Brass Crooks...........................................................................................00:12:06
Item 5 Brass pans 37&1/2(?)..............................................................................01:17:06
Item 2 frying(?) pan Chimley Crooks, ??? Crooks Brand??? gridiron(?)...............00:10:00
a shovell(?) a p ??h hooks(?) and other old Iron Implements................................included in above amount
Item 9 platters 17 Tin plates.................................................................................01:07:00
Item a Warming pan 3 skilletts.............................................................................00:07:06
an old Iron Crook...............................................................................................00:0?:0
Item ffor a pigg....................................................................................................00:16:00
Item two Colts and old mare................................................................................01:00:00
one Gold Ring & a silver Lockett.........................................................................01:00:00
Item Dishes, Bowls, Spoons, Basket ?ales...........................................................00:03:00
ffor a Barrell & Cyder in ???i?.............................................................................00:12:00
ffor a G?? & Spitt(?), ?Lee?d, Barrells ?ill............................................................00:12:00
Rops, s???s & other things.....................................................................................included in above amount
Item a Box iron an hour glass & Looking Glass....................................................00:00:06
Item a Table Board form(?) & Stools ???? ?........................................................00:03:00
Item ffor... ????g(dung?)........................................................................................00:10:00
Item ffor a Chattell Estate in Great Tawna ? of and halfe........................................35:10:00
of the tenement..................................................................................................included in above amount
Item ffor things omitted and not seen.....................................................................00:05:00
Total: 55:19:00

Signed; George Roberts John ??ll William Lobb

WILL OF ANN BAMPTON, 18 Jan 1757, Codicil 29 Aug 1758

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN….I Ann Bampton late of Winterbourne but now of Chipping Sodbury in the County of Gloster Widow being in but an indifferent State of Bodily health but thank God of Sound Mind and understanding considering the frailty of this mortal life. Do therefore publish and Per?are this to be my last Will and Testament. And principally I commend my Soul into the hands of ??'s Almighty Creator hoping through the intervention of my Dear Redeemer Christ Jesus to have a full pardon of all Sins and to Inherit Everlasting life. And my body I commit to the earth to be Devoutly Interred at the Discretion of my Executors in Trust hereinafter named in Mangotsfield Church as ??ar remains of my late son Samuel as may be unless I shall afterwards Direct otherwise. And as to such Wordly Estate as God of his Infinite Goodness hath bestowed on me. I give and Dispose thereof as followeth; First I give and bequeath to my ffriend Samuel STOKES of ?ithwa? County of Gloucester aforesaid Gentleman the sum of Two hundred pounds of Lawfull money of Great Britain in Trust that he do and shall with all convient(?) Speed Purchase therewith an annuity for the Naturall life of my son Henry in the name of him the said Samuel STOKES and his heirs payable quarterly And when and as often as he or they shall receive the said annuity that he or they (and so I do herebywith) Do and shall pay the same to my said son for his Sole use and Benefit to whom I give the same to be paid to him quarterly as aforesaid for his life and tis my will that till such purchase made that the said Samuel STOKES do and shall put place and continue(?) the said two hundred pounds at Interest on approved security and the Interest thereof from time to time arising……. END PAGE ONE
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  ……..therefrom pay my said son for his use and Benefit and if my said son shall Dye before such purchase as aforesaid made then I give the said two hundred pounds to the sole Disposal of my said son And in Default of such Disposal to his Executors and Administrators I also give to my said son whatsoever he shall owe me at my Death Also my Silver Tankard Item I give and Bequeath to and every the children of my said son Henry ffifty pounds a piece and To my Grand Son Thomas HARCOMBE the sum of one hundred pounds my large Silver quart cup and the bed with it's appert??ances which I left at his ffather's. Item I give and Bequeath to my daughter HARCOMBE and the said Samuel STOKES the sum of one hundred pounds In Trust that they do and shall put place and continue(?) the same out at Interest on Approved security during the Covet??? Of my Grand Daughter Ann JORDAN and the Interest and produce therefrom arising from time to time receive and whom so received(?) pay and Apply to and to the Sole and Separate use of my said Grand Daughter whose Receipt shall be a Sufficient Discharge for the same And if she survives her husband tis my will the said Sum of one hundred pounds and its Interest then in Arrear Shall be paid to her And I do hereby Give her the same but if she dies living(?) her husband then I Give the said Legacy of One hundred pounds Equally amongst her children and to be paid to them as they respectively attain their full age or be married Item I Give and bequeath to my said daughter HARCOMBE and Samuel STOKES the sum of ffifty pounds In Trust that they do and shall during the minority of my Great Grand Daughter Ann JORDAN put out and continue(?) the same at Interest on Approved Security and the Interest and produce therefrom arising from time to time Apply and Dispose off to and to the use of her my Great Grand Daughter in such manner as they her Trustees shall from time to time See Convenient and when and as soon as she my said Great Grand Daughter shall Attain her age or be married I hereby Give to her the said sum of ffifty pounds and all the Interest that shall be then due for the same Item I Give and bequeath to my Grand Sons Samuel & John HARCOMBE the sum of ffifty pounds a piece And to my Grand Daughter Elizabeth DANDO the Sum of Twenty pounds Also Give to my said ffriend Samuel STOKES the sum of Twenty pounds And to my Son and to his wife And to my said Daughter HARCOMBE F?? pounds ?a?? to buy them ?row??ing Item I do hereby Direct that my plate and Household Goods Shall be Sold and the money therefrom arising As also all other my Personal Estate and likewise the Share of my late Aunt WYER'S(?) houses in Bristol and of her Personal Estate which I have and Claym under my late deceased Son Samuel's will I Give and bequeath To my said Son Henry and ffriend Samuel STOKES In Trust as to One moiety thereof to the? use and behoof of him my said Son Henry his Executors Administrators and Assigns And as to the other Moiety thereof To the Sole and Separate use of my said Daughter Ann HARCOMBE her Executors Administrators and Assigns And do hereby constitute and Appoint my said son Henry and the said Samuel STOKES ????? …….END PAGE TWO
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  Executors In Trust of this my last Will and Testament and so hereby Direct them to pay the several Legacys I've hereby Given to the several Legatees herein named with in six months next after my Decease In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this Eighteenth day of January One thousand Seven hundred and ffifty Seven. Ann Bampton Signed and Sealed by the Testatrix Published and declared by her as her last Will and Testament being contained in three sheets of paper in the presence of us, Ann TANNER Jas. CLARKE
A CODICIL to be added to the last Will and Testament of me Ann Bampton late of Winterbourne since that of chipping Sodbury and now of Hayes House in the Parish of Westerligh in the County of Glocester Widow this Twenty Ninth day of August One thousand Seven hundred and ffifty Eight and which I Desire(?) may be taken as part of my said Will I Give to my Son Henry my Two Silver Salts and one Silver Table Spoon I hereby Revoke the Legacy of One hundred pounds Given by my said Will to my Grand Son Thomas HARCOMBE and those of my large Silver Quart Cup and Bed therein mentioned to be left at his ffathers And so Give him only ffifty pounds I Give to my Grand Daughter Ann JORDAN my Red(?) Bed lined(?) with white with all and whatsoever thereto belongeth and is commonly(?) users(?) there with Also Two pair of Sheets my Clork(?) and Chest of Drawers that was Mrs. WYER'S(?) I Give to my Daughter HARCOMBE and ffriend Samuel STOKES ffifty pounds more than the ffifty pounds Given to them by my said Will In Trust for the Benefit of my Great Grand Daughter Ann JORDAN which ffifty pounds hereby Given I will Shall be kept out at Interest and the Interest thereof and also the Principal Sum Applied and Disposed of by my said Trustees in the same manner as the ffifty pounds Directed by my said Will I Also Give to my said Great Grand Daughter the Bed I lye on with all and whatsoever thereunto belongeth Two Pair of Sheets my Silver Candle(?) Cup and Silver Sauce(?) Cup I Give to my Grand Daughter Elizabeth DANDO the Sum of Thirty pounds more than I have Given her by my said Will and my Silver Dish I Give all my Chinia(?) Silver Tea Spoons Tongs Strainer and Cream Pott and three Silver Table Spoons Equally between my Daughter HARCOMBE Grandaughter DANDO and great Grandaughter Ann JORDAN to whom I Also Give my Pewter Brass and ?i???? And all the Rest of my Household Goods not before Disposed of I Give every day Cloaths to my Grandaughter Ann JORDAN Item I Revoke the Direction Given by my said Will in Respect to the Sale of my Plate and Household Goods having by this my Codicil otherwise Disposed of it And I Also revoke the Direction therein Given in Respect to my Residuary Personal Estate of what nature kind or sort soever other than and Except my share in my late Aunt WYERS(?) houses in Bristol And so hereby Give such residuary Personal Estate Except as aforesaid my Debts and Legacys first being paid to the said Samuel STOKES In Trust for the Sole use of my Daughter HARCOMBE Grandaughter DANDO and Great Grandaughter Ann JORDAN Share and Share alike And whereas my Son in Law HARCOMBE is Indebted to me Sixty pounds principal money besides Interest now I Give the same to my ffriend Samuel STOKES In Trust for the Sole use of my said Daughter HARCOMBE And whereas I've lately bought Two lives in Reversion in HARCOMBE's House in Hambrook of the Trustees of Squire JONES'S Will Now I do hereby Give the same to the said Samuel STOKES In Trust Also for the Sole use of my said Daughter HARCOMBE Item Whereas since the making my said Will I've bought of Mr. Paston(?) three lives in an Estate in H??ton therein Mortgage(?) to me by Thomas Herwillow(?) I do hereby Give the same to my Great Grandaughter Ann JORDAN her Executors Administrators and Assigns and do Appoint the said Samuel STOKES a Trustee to let and set(?) the same and receive the Profitts thereof during her minority and Apply the same for and in the Breeding up of her my said Great Grandaughter/ And I do hereby confirm my said Will in all other respects whereby tis not hereby Altered Witness my hand and Seal Ann Bampton Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the Testatrix as a Codicil to her last Will in the Presence of Geo. Hardwicke Hannah Smith
THIS WILL was proved at London with a Codicil the ffirst day of June In the Yeare of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred and ffifty nine before the Worshipful Arthur Collier Doctor of Laws Surrogate of the Worshipful Edward Simpson also Doctor of Laws Master Keeper of Comissary of the Preogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the Oaths of Henry Bampton the Son of the deceased and Samuel STOKES the Executors named in the said Will to whom Administration was Granted of all and Singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased having been ffirst sworn duly to Administor.

WILL OF JOHN LOBB, 25 Sep 1853

IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN This is the last Will and Testament of John Lobb carpenter of Perran Wharf in the Parish of Mylor in the County of Cornwall. I the said John Lobb do devise all my real and personal Property to my beloved wife Jane Lobb to maintain her during her lifetime and after my decease my Executors viz. my beloved son James Lobb and Thomas Mitchell the husband of my Daughter Jane shall sell all the Property that may be left at the death of my beloved Wife and after all my just Debts are paid the said Executors shall divide the proceeds of sale of said Property equally between my Son and Daughters viz. Elizabeth Jeffree, Henry Lobb, William Lobb, James Lobb, Jane Mitchell and Thomas Lobb also my beloved granddaughter Emily Lobb who shall share alike with my beloved Sons and Daughters aforesaid. And I also desire that my Executors at my decease shall sell all my Stock of Timber, Carpenter's tools etc. and appropriate the proceeds of such Sale to the maintenance of my beloved Wife. And that it is my desire the that the aforesaid Executors shall allow my beloved Wife what sum for her maintenance they may deem proper.
Given under my Hand this twenty fifth day of September 1853: Signature of John Lobb
Witnesses James Beckett & James Pearce


  (This is a true Copy examined with the Original Will by us - John Meecham, Thomas Cantle(?))
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Tho. Harcombe Senior of the tithing of Hambrook in the Parrish of Winterbourn in the County of Gloucester Yeoman being of Sound and disposed in Mind and Memory and Understanding thanks be to God the Almighty doe make this my last Will and Testament as follows that is to say first I doe commend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God and my body to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Exectuors hereing after named and to be buried in(?) Mangotsfield Church at the inside of my Father in law Mr. Samuel Bampton upon my Son Samuel Harcombe Which I had the Grave diged deep enough to lay my body upon him as near to my Wife Ann Harcombe and my other son Robert Harcombe In the first pleace I will and direct that all doe appear to be my Just(?) Debts and Funer_expences be first paid Item I give and Bequeath unto my grand Son Steven Dando one shillings Also I Give and Bequeath to my grand Son Samuel Harcombe the Son of my Son Thomas Harcombe one Guieney Also I give and bequeath unto my Son John Harcombe Five guienies and all my....... End Page ONE
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....WAREING APAREL both linen and Woling Also I give and bequeath to my Daughter Ann Jordon the House that I lived and the peace of Ground near the brook which I have planted some Apeltres in the tithing of Hambrook which I have leased off the Lord of the Manor of Winterborn for the lives of my Grandsons Robert Harcombe and Thomas Harcombe and the two other tenements one in the possession of John Jones and the other was in the possession of Elizabeth Witchel And also that Share of that Masuage or tenement in Redcliff Street which is in the possession of Mr. John Colmer which I purched of Mr. Heary Bampton and all the Estate and interest therein for Ever And also another House in St Thomas St now in the possession of Mr. John Day which let to him at Eighteen pounds a year Which is Dean and Chapter land paying my Son John Harcombe out of that tenet five pounds a Year if it not sold before Also I give unto my Servant Mary Neemes the bed and bedsteed Curtings and Valians one pear of Sheets and a good blanket and Rugg and the Square box her Some of Close is in and that ceas of Draws and four Chaiers and four pewter platers and half a Dozen pewter pleats ## that is below Saiers(?) and all the rest is in the up in the garrett With the proviso She doe live with me soe long as I live for She have had a great deal of trouble with me and also five pounds of lawful money and the trunk in the Garrett and the Slise and Tongues and the said Mary Neemes to continue in the House if She doe think fit paying my daughter four pounds of lawfull Money a Year that hath my Daughter Ann Jordon to live in her Self then the said Mary Neemes must leave immediately under the penalty of Ten pounds a Year And all the Rest and Residue of my personal Estate goods and Chattles whatsoever I do give and bequeath unto my Daughter Ann Jordon and full and sole Executirix of my last Will and Testament I do hereby revoke dissanul and make void all former Wills and Testaments whereunto I have sett my Hand and Seal this twentith Sixth Day of December One Thousand Seven Hundred and Eighty And in the twentith year of his Majestyes Reign George the third King of Great Briton France and Ireland #
Signed Thos. Harcombe Senior : Witnesses William Bawn - Sarah Bawn
2 Day of March 1782 Proved at Bristol before the Revd. John Camplen: D: Sworn ?? by the (written above: during ???acaney of the ???) oath of Ann Jordon Sole Executrix # to whom # Effects under 100 pounds
This is a true Copy examined with the Original Will by Us - John Meecham Thos. Cantle

{Amusingly, someone went through this will, probably at the time of copying, and underlined all the spelling mistakes)
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