*A note about references: Hovering your cursor over a reference number will produce a tooltip (if your browser supports them) denoting the reference being used, clicking on the reference number will bring up a popup window, with further details on the source of reference: Each individual reference number refers to one source, though it may be the source for multiple pieces of information and therefore used multiple times within this site.

[46] Will of Thomas Harcombe, written 1 Sep 1732
[47] Will of Samuel Bampton, written 25 Nov 1732
[48] Will of Gerard Lane, written 16 May 1685
[49] Will of Jane Wyer, written 12 Feb 1739
[50] Will of Thomas Lane, written 11 Apr 1695
[51] Will of William Campion, written 28th Oct 1746
[52] Will of William Campion, written 7th Dec 1740
[53] Will of William Spencer, written 21st Oct 1701
[54] Will of Samuel Roughton, written 1st May 1752
[55] Will of John Baxter, written 20 Apr 1728
[56] Will of Simon Danes, written 27 Feb 1746
[57] Will of Elizabeth Danes, written 17 Sep 1755


  Memorand That I Thomas HARCOMBE of Hambrook in the Pish of Winterborn and / County of Gloucr Carpenter being weak in Body but of disposing Mind and Memory Do, for the disposing / of all such wordly Estate and Goods which Providence hath been pleas'd to bestow upon me Make and / ordain this for my last Will and Testament, in manner and form following, That is to say, Imprs. my / Will is that all my just and lawful Debts with my funeral Expences be fully Pd and discharged / by my Executrix - - hereafter named, Item I give to each of my Sons John & Thomas HAR- / COMBE one shilling, Item I give to each of my Daughters Mary, Jane and Sarah HARCOMBE one / shilling Item all the rest and residue of my Estate Goods and Chattles whatsoever and wheresoever / and of what nature and kind soever I give devise and bequeath unto my beloved Wife Mary / HARCOMBE to hold to her during her Natural life and after her decease my Will is that / such remainder of my Estate Goods and Chattles as shall be ajn(?) in being, shall be equally divided / between my sd. Daughters, or such survivor or survivors of them as shall be then living. And I do hereby / make and ordain my sd. beloved Wife sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament / Retifying and Confirming this and no other to be my last Will and Testament, hereby also / disannulling and making void all former Wills by me made either by word of Mouth or / otherwise In Witness whereof I the sd. Thomas HARCOMBE Testator have hereunto set my / Hand and Seal this first day of September in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven / hundred and thirty two. Signed sealed published and declared by y. said Testator
(in the prefence of us whofe Names are hereunder subscribed) for his last Will & Testament Thomas HARCOMBE
George KING
Thomas PICK
Willm. BAKER

Octavo de Monsis Mariy 1732 juxter Probatum er apud Bristol rorain Rendo viro Carew Reynell S.T.P. vicar genti er Juram to Maria HARCOMBE Executricis udira in humoj testo moiat rucr de bene er jurat


WILL OF SAMUEL BAMPTON, written 25 Nov 1732, proved 1735

  In the Name of God Amen I Samuel BAMPTON / the Elder of the Parish of Winterburne in the County of Gloucester / Gentleman being at present Something Weak and Infirm of body but of / Sound and disposing mind memory and Understanding (Praised be God) Do therefore / make and ordain this my laft Will and Teftament in manner and form following / (that is to say) First and Principally I comend my Soul to God my Creator hopeing / for Pardon of all my Sins in and through the alone meritts & sattisfacion / of my only Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ And my Body I comitt to / the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executor and / Trustees hereafter named And as touching the difpoficon of my Tempoall / Estate I Give and difpofe thereof as followeth (that is to say) / Imprs. I Give devife and bequeath unto my Loving Friends Ralph NEWHAM of the / Citty of Bristoll Linnen Draper and Stephen SUMERS of the said City of Bristoll / Butcher And to their Heirs and Assignes for ever All that my meffuage or / Tenemt. and Farm called Kendalshire Farm With all and Singular houfes Outhoufes Edifices buildings Barns Stables Gardens Orchards / Clofes Lands meadows pastures heredittainments and apurts Whatsoever / thereto belonging or in any wife apurtaining Situate lyeing and / being Within the Severall Parishes of Winterburne and Westerleigh / or one of them in the said County of Gloucester Which I lately / Purchafed of Sir Alexander CUMING late of Westminster in the / County of Middlesex Barronett since de'sed and others as may / appear And alfo all that one other meffuage or Tenement With / the Garden Orchard Clofe of meadow ground with the apurts thereto / belonging now or late in the Poffion of one William FLOOKE Coleminer / Which said last mentioned meffuage and Prem'es are Situate lyeing / and being in the said Parish of Westerleigh and Which I alfo / Purchased of the sd Sir Alexander CUMING and others as may alfo appear / Sam Bampton
And alfo all other my meffuages Clofes Lands Tenements & heredittainments / Whatsoever With there and every of there apurt's situate lyeing & being / in the Severall Parishes of Winterburne and Westerleigh aforesaid or / either of them And all my Estate and Estates right Title and Interest / in and to the same and every of them And the Reverson & Reversons / Remd. and Remd s thereof To hold to them the said Ralph NEWHAM / and Stephen SUMERS their Heirs and Afsignes for ever To the Ufes and / upon the Severall Trufts herein after mentioned Expressed Lymitted & / Declared Concerning the same (that is to say) To the use and behoofe / of them the said Ralph NEWHAM & Stephen SUMERS their Ex'ors Admon's & Affignes / for and dureing the Term of ninety nine Years to be accounted from the / Date hereof Upon the Trusts herein after mentioned and from and after / the determination of the said Term To the Ufe and behoof of my Son / Samuel BAMPTON his Heirs and Affignes for Ever And as for and / Concerning the said Term of ninty nine Years the same is so Lymitted to them the sd. Ralph NEWHAM & Stephen SUMERS my aforenamed Trustees their / Ex'ors Admon's and Affignes In Trust and upon the hope and / Confidence nevertheless in them repofed that they my said Trustees / and the Survivor of them and the Ex'ors and Admon's of such Survivor / shall by Leafing or mortgaging the prem'es or any part thereof or / by the rents and profits thereof with the sum of sixty pounds Which / I hereby give and Will be paid and applyed the one moiety thereof to / bind and place out my Grandson James HARCOMBE an apprentice / and the other moiety to be paid to him When and as soon as he / shall have served his said apprenticeship or shall attain his age / of one and Twenty Years And if in Case he shall not be putt or placed /
My said Grandson the aforesaid whole sum of Sixty pounds to be paid him / When he shall attain his age of one and Twenty Years or be maried Which / shall first happen And the Interest therof When raifed I will be from time to time applyed towards the Education and maintenance of my / sd. Grandson 'till he shall attain such his age or mariage as aforesaid / And after sd. Sum of Sixty pounds shall be fully raifed and paid And / alfo all such Costs Charges and expences Which I alfo hereby Impower & direct / them to raife and apply for that purpose Then I do will & direct that / my sd. Trustees and the survivor of them And the Ex'ors and Admons of such / Survivor shall stand and be pofsefsed and Interefsed of & in the prem'es with /the apurts for all the refidue which shall be then to come and I..expired of / the said Term of ninety nine Years To and for the Ufe .................... / Son Samuel BAMPTON his Heirs and Affignes for ever Item all my / meffes Clofes Lands Tenemts. & /Heredittainmets Whatsoever in the Severall / Pishes of Mangottsfeild als Mangottisfeild and Frampton Cotterell & either / of them within the sd. County of Gloucester and alfo my Tyths in Mangottsfeild / als Mangottisfeild aforesd. remaining Unfold & all my Estate & Houses right / Title & Interest in & to the same & every part there of & the rev'ion & rev'sions / Remdr. and Remdrs. thereof I give devife & bequeath to my son Henry BAMPTON / and to his Heirs and Affignes for ever he paying & discharging all such / just debts which I shall owe at my death & after my Funerall Expenses / With the paymt. Whereof I do hereby Charge my sd. Estate so as aforesaid / by me devised to my Son Henry and his Heirs according to the true / meaning of this my Will Item I give to Ann my loving Wife the one / moiety or half part of my household goods & Utenfills of household Whatsoever / or Wheresoever and the other moiety of my sd. household goods & Implements Sam Bampton
p. 4
Of household give to my said Son Samuel BAMPTON Provided always / and 'tis my Will and I do hereby declare it so to be that my Loving Wife / Ann shall after my death have hold and enjoy one Anuity or Yearly Sum / of Forty pounds to be iffueing and payable out of the meffes Lands and Tenemts. / by me herein before devised to the sd. Ralph NEWHAM & Stephen SUMERS / In Trust as aforesd. Purfuant and According to the true Intent & meaning / of one Ind. ..Tri. tise bearing dates on or abot. the Twelfth day of March Ano / Dom One thousand seven hundred and Twenty nine made Between me the sd. / Samuel Bampton & the sd. Ann my then & now Wife of the first part One / John CARY of Marshfeild in the sd. County of Glouct. Clerke of the second part and / one Robert LANE of the sd. Citty of Bristoll Gent & one John COFFLEY of the sd. Citty / Goldsmith of the third part Which sd. Ind. ...Tri . .tise & the sd anuity to the sd. Ann / my Wife to be pd. as therein is menconed I do hereby rattifye and Confirm / Will be paid her or be pemitted to be .eced by her pursuant thereunto any / thing in this my Will before contained to the Contrary notwithstanding / Item All the rest and residue Of my goods Chattles and psonall Estate / Whatsoever and Wheresoever not herein before bequeathed I give divife & / bequeath to my sd. son Henry BAMPTON & do make him sole Exor. of / this my last Will and Testament In Wittnefs Whereof I have to / this my last Will and Testament Contained in four sheets of paper to / the three first sheets set my hand & to the fourth and last my hand / and seal this Twenty ffifth day of November in the sixth Year of ye / Reigne of our Soveraigne Lord George the second by the grace of God / now King of great Britain Etc Anoy Domi one thousand seven hundred and / thirty two 1732 Sam: BAMPTON
Signed sealed Published Pronounced & declared
by the Testor to be his last Will and Testament
in the Psence of us Who subscribed our names
as Witnefses hereto in the psence & at the request
of the Testator George Skriven / William Skriven / Sml. Stokes

1 April 1736
Proved at Bristol before the Rd. Carew Reynell D.D. Vicar Gen'al on the oath of Henry BAMPTON his Son and Sole Exect. / named in the Sd. Will To whom and so forth - 1735 Will of Samuel / BAMPTON
The laft Will of Mr Sml. BAMPTON 1732


Will of Gerrard LANE, written 16 May 1685

  IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Gerard LANE of the City of Bristoll Sopemaker being at present in perfect health of Body and of sound mind and memory praised be God therefore notwithstanding considering my age the certainty of death and the uncertainty of the time thereof and being desireous soe to settle that worldly estate which the Almighty hath lent me that after my decease it may be held and enjoyed in peace and quietnesse Doe make this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following that is to say ffirst and principally I commend my soule into thehands of Almighty God my most mercifull father and Creator hopeing to be saved by the alone merits death and passion of Jesus Christ my only Saviour and Redeemer And my body I commit to the earth from where it came to be laid in Christian buryall in the Churchyard of the Parish Church of St Thomas within the said City of Bristoll at the discretion of my….END PAGE ONE
..my Executor hereinafter named And as to this such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to lend me in this life I dispose thereof as followeth to witt Imprimus I will and appoint that the sum of ffive pounds in money be in some short time after my decease by my sonnes Thomas Lane and Robert Lane disposed and distributed to and amongst such poore people as they shall think fitt Item I doe give and bequeath to my said sonne Thomas LANE all that my Messuage or Tenement with the appurtenances situate lying and being in Marsh Street within the said City of Bristoll now in the tenure or occupation of John Kemp(?) COOY To hold to him and to the Heires of his body lawfully to be begotten And for default of such Heires my will is that the same Messuage and Tenement with the appurtenances shall remaine come and be to my said sonne Robert LANE and to the Heires of his body lawfully to be begotten And for default of such Heires my will that the same shall remaine come and be to Elizabeth LANE my oldest Daughter and to the Heires of her body lawfully to be begotten And for default of such Heires my will is that the same shall remaine come and be to my Daughter Sarah LANE and to the Heires of her body lawfully to be begotten And for default of such Heires my will is that the same shall remaine come and be to my Daughter Jane wife of John WIRE of the said city of Bristoll Grocer and to the Heires of her body lawfully begotten and to be begotten And for default of such Heires my will is that the same shall remaine come and be to my Daughter Anne TIPPETT Widow late the wife of William TIPPETT late of the said City of Bristoll Haberdasher of Hatts(?) ???? and to the Heires of her body lawfully begotten and to be begotten And for default of such Heires my will is that the same shall remaine come and be to my Daughter Joice BROWNE Widow and to the Heires of her body lawfully to be begotten And for default of such Heires my will is that the same shall remaine come and be to my right Heires forever Item I doe give and bequeath unto my said sonne Thomas LANE the sume of One hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid to him within one yeare next after my decease Item I doe give and bequeath to my said sonnes Thomas LANE and Robert LANE all that my Messuage or Tenement now sued for a Coffee house with the appurtenances situate lying and being in Corne Street in the Parish of St ?albury within the said City of Bristoll now or late in the tenure of Peter ROSEWELL(?) or his Undertenant or Undertenants To hold to them their Heires and Assigns forever But upon this trust and confidence and to the intent and purpose that they and the survivor of them and the Heires Heires of such survivor shall out of the rents and profits of the same Messuage or Tenement pay and allow to or to the use and towards the maintenance of their Brother Gerard LANE during his life soe much moneys yearly monthy or weekly as they shall think fitt and convenient And in case my said sonne Gerard LANE shall happen to marry and have issue lawfully begotten then my will and meaning is that my said sonnes Thomas LANE and Robert LANE or the survivors of them or the Heires of such survivor shall by Good wayes(?) in the Law settle and assure the reversion and inheritance of the said Messuage Tenement or Coffee house with the appurtenances after the decease of my said sonne Gerard to and on two or more ffriends and their Heires in trust to and for the use and benefit of such Issue of my said sonne Gerard LANE and their Heires forever But in case my said….END PAGE TWO
….said sonne Gerard LANE shall happen to dye without Issue of his body lawfully begotten Then my will and meaning is that the same last incur???? Messuage and premisses with appurtenances shall remaine come and be to my said sonne Thomas LANE and to the Heires of his body lawfully to be begotten And for want of such Heires my will is that the same shall remaine or come and be to my said Sonne Robert LANE and to the Heires of his body lawfully to begotten And for want of such Heires my will is that the same shall remaine or come and be to my said Daughter Elizabeth LANE and to the Heires of her body lawfully to be begotten And for default of such Heires my will is that the same shall remaine or come and be to my said Daughter Sarah LANE and to the Heires of her body lawfully to be begotten And for default of such Heires my will is that the same shall remaine or come and be to my said Daughter Jane WYRE and to the Heires of her body lawfully begotten or to be begotten And for default of such Heires my will is that the same shall remaine or come and be to my said Daughter Anne TIPPETT and to the Heires of her body lawfully begotten or to be begotten And for default of such Heires my will is that the same shall remaine or come and be to my said Daughter Joice BROWNE and to the Heires of her body lawfully to be begotten And for default of such Heires my will is that the same shall remaine or come and be to my right Heires forever Item I give and bequeath to my said two sonnes Thomas LANE and Robert LANE the sume of fifty pounds of lawfull money of England which I doe will and appoint shall within six Moneths next after my decease be put forth to and continued at Interest and that the charge(?) profitt and increase from time to time thence(?) arising by the Interest and for the for beacame(?) of the same shall from time to time be by them or the surviviors of them and the Executors and Administrators of such survivor paid over and allowed to my said sonne Gerard LANE during his naturall life But my intent is that my said sonns Thomas and Robert or either of them or the Executors or Administrators of the longest liver of them shall not be lyable to make good and bad Debts or to pay beare or be chargeable with any charges costs or losses that may happen by reason of their disposeing of the same fifty pounds in pursuance of this my will And in case my said sonne Gerard LANE shall happen to dye leaving behind him issue of his body lawfully begotten Then in such case and from thence forth the same fifty pounds with its interest then due and in arrear shall ????? ?oe and be payable to and amongst such Issue as they my said sonnes Thomas and Robert and the survivor of them and the Executors or Administrators of such survivor shall see fitt But if my said sonne Gerard shall dye leaving noe such Issue Then the same fifty pounds and the interest therefore due at his death accrew(?) and come to mine Executors hereinafter named Item I give and bequeath to my Granddaughter Anne TIPPETT the sume of one hundred pounds of lawfull money of England To my Granddaughter Elizabeth TIPPETT the sume of fifty pounds of like lawfull money of England and to my Grandson William TIPPETT the sume of twenty pounds of like money The same severall Legacies to be paid to them my said Grandchildren …respectively…END PAGE THREE
..respectively when they severally shall have attained the age of one and twenty years or be lawfully marryed which shall first happen And in the interim my will and meaning is that all the said Legacies shall be by my said sonnes Thomas LANE and Robert LANE and the survivor of them imployed at Interest or lett forth to such other increases as they shall think fitt and that the interest and increase thereof made and arising during the minorityes of my said Grandchildren and the survivors or survivors of them shall be paid to their Mother my said Daughter Anne TIPPETT…towards the better maintenance of them my said Grandchildren respectively And my will and meaning further is That if any or either of my said Grandchildren shall happen to dye before they shall have attained their age of one and twenty yeares or be lawfully marryed Then in such case the portion or legacie of him her or them soe dying shall accrew and come to the survivors and survivor of them my said Grandchildren But I doe will and declare that my said sonnes Thomas and Robert or either either of them shall not be lyable to answer or make goode and bad Debt or Debts that may happen by their disposeing or imploying of my said Grandchildrens Legacies or any of them but the same if any be shall be proportionably and share and share alike borne by them my said Grandchildren And further that all costs and charges expended about the management of the same Legacies shall from time to time be defaulted out of the interest or other increase of the same Legacies Item I give and bequeath to my said sonne Robert LANE all my terme and interest of and in the Living at Congresbury in Somersetshire which was late my said sonne in Law William TIPPETTS But my will is that hee ??ist his said Sister Anne TIPPETT during her life (in case my terme and interest therein which is determinable on the deaths of Joane and Sarah Daughters of him the said William TIPPETT shall soe long continue) to receive the rents and profits thereof to her own use and towards her maintenance Item I give to my said Daughter Anne TIPPETT thirty pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid to her within six moneths next after my decease Item I give devise and bequeath unto my said sonne Robert LANE his Executors Administrators and Assignes my ..Messuage or Tenement with the appurtenances in St Thomas Street within the said City or Bristoll lying neare the sheepemarket there being Deane and Chapter Land) and all my terme and interest therein And likewise the Messuage or Tenement wherein I now dwell situate in St Thomas Street aforesaid and all my terme and interest therein Item I give and bequeath unto my said Daughter Elizabeth LANE all that my Messuage or Tenement in Temple Street within the said City of Bristoll wherein Phillip WATKINS lately dwelt (ffirst mortgaged and afterwards conveyed to me in ffee) with the appurtenances To hold to her the said Elizabeth and to the Heires of her body lawfully to be begotten And for default of such Heires my will is the said Messuage or Tenement in Temple Street aforesaid with appurtenances shall be remaine and continue to my said sonne Thomas LANE and to the Heires of his body lawfully to be begotten And for default of such Heires my will and meaning is that the same shall remaine come and be to my said sonne Robert LANE and to the Heires of his body lawfully to be begotten And for default of such Heires my will is that the same shall remaine come and be to my said Daughter Sarah LANE and to the Heires of her body lawfully to be begotten And for default of such Heires my will is the same shall remaine come and be to…END PAGE FOUR
..to my said Daughter Jane WYRE and to the Heires of her body lawfully begotten or to be begotten And for default of such Heires my will is the same shall remaine come and be to my said Daughter Anne TIPPETT and to the Heires of her body lawfully begotten or to be begotten And for default of such Heires my will is the same shall remaine come and be to my said Daughter Joice BROWNE and to the Heires of her body lawfully to be begotten And for default of such Heires my will is that the same shall remaine come and be to my right Heires forever Item I give and bequeath unto my said Daughter Elizabeth LANE the sume of ffive hundred pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid to her within twelve moneths next after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto my said Daughter Sarah LANE the like sume of five hundred pounds of like money to be paid to her within twelve moneths next after my decease Item I give unto each of my Grandchildren John LANE and Gerard LANE (sonns of my late deceased sonn John LANE) the sume of five shillings of lawfull money of England a piece Alsoe I give unto my Granddaughter Anne (wife of John GIBBS Gent) and Daughter of my late deceased sonne John LANE the like sume of five shillings of like money Item I give and bequeath unto my said Daughter Jane WYRE the sume of twenty pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid to her within six moneths next after my decease Alsoe I give unto her for and during the terme of her naturall life the yearly sume of tenne pounds of like lawfull money of England to be paid out of the interest of the foure hundred pounds which I have with Chamber of Bristoll but my meaning and will is that her husband shall have nothing to doe either with the said Legacie of twenty pounds or the annuity of tenne pounds nor shall the same or either of them be lyable to satisfy any of his Debts And therefore I doe appoint that as well the said Legacie of twenty pounds as the said tenne pounds y ann. Shall be paid to her owne hands and her receipts shall from time to time be sufficient discharges and acquittances therefore to my Executors And the reason why I give her noe more is because I gave her considerable portion on her intermarryage with the said John WYRE her now husband Item I give unto my said Daughter Joyce BROWNE my silver bason Alsoe I give unto her five pounds of lawfull money of England as a token of my love to her Item I give to my Brother John LANE five pounds of lawfull money of England And to my sister Avis COOKE forty shillings of like money to be paid to them respectively within two moneths next after my decease Item it is my will and meaning that all the rest of my plate householdstuffe Linnen Woollen pewter and brasse whatsoever which at my death shall be remaining and being in my said now dwelling house shall as soon as conveniently may be after my decease be by my Sister in Law Mrs. Anne WHARTON if then living then otherwise by my kinsmen Mr Richard BENSON and Mr Thomas TURNER and the survivor of them equally divided to and amongst such and soe many of my said Children as shall be then living share and share alike And my will and intent is that such dividend when made shall be binding to them my said Children Item all the rest and residue of my goods wares Merchandises Debts Bills Bonds Specialityes ready Moneys Mortgages and other personall estate whatsoever and wheresoever not herein before by me particularly given away and bequeathed my debts…..END PAGE FIVE
..Debts and Legacies being first paid and funeral expenses discharged I doe wholly give and bequeath to my said sonne Robert Lane whom I doe make constitute and appoint full whole and soul Executor of this my last Will and Testament And lastly I doe hereby revoke and make void all former Wills by me at any time made either in writing or by word of mouth In witnesse whereof I have to this my last Will and Testament contained within these seaven sheets of paper affixed all together put my seale and to each sheet thereof subscribed my name this sixteeth day of May in the yeare of our Lord God One thousand six hundred and eighty and five Aunoq(?) ?? Jarobi sidi nim? Anglice yr primo Gerrard LANE Then signed sealed and published in the presence of Yeomans Thomas DURBIN Thomas EVANS Andw SHIRLEY
PROBARTUM fuit lumoi(?) Testus ap?d London Nono dic Mensis Ottobris Anno Dui Millino Sepreums ottogenio septo Coram ???lict egregio viro Richard PAINES Legum D?ore Curia prarogative Cautuar ?agro Custod sive Commissario constitutio Juramento Roberti LANE ffily et Executoris in ditto Testamento nominat in commissa fuit admd strato(?) omnium et ????forum bonorium jurium et ??? dicti defuncti Debone et fidehiter admstrand ead Ad santa Dei (name) Comiss Jurat

Will of Jane WYER, 12th Feb 1739

  I JANE WYER of the City of Bristol Widow Do make this my last Will and Testament in manner following Imprimus I Commend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God that gave it And my Body I commit to the Earth to be ???? Decently Interred at the Discretion of my Executors herein after named And as to my Wordly Estate I dispose thereof as followeth Imprimus I give devise and bequeath unto my Good ffriends William Har?e Soap Boyler and Joseph Pidding Gentleman both of the said City of Bristol All and Singular my Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditoments whatsoever and wheresoever either ffreehold or Leasehold with all and singular my Messuages their Rights Members and Appurtences To have and to hold the said Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditoments with and every of their Appurtences and the Rents Reversions and Remainders and Services(?) thereof unto the said William HARLE(?) and Joseph PIDDING and the Survivor of them his Heirs Executors Admtrs and Assigns for ever In trust and to and for and upon the several lives Interests(?) and purposes following that is to say In trust as to such part of my said Premises as I am Seized …….END PAGE ONE
Of in ffee(?) simple to pay and apply the Rents Issues and Profitts thereof towards the Maintenance and Support of my Son Robert WYER during his Natural Life and in case he shall happen to marry Then to Permit and Suffer his Wife and her Assigns to retine(?) the same after his Decease for and during her Natural Life And from and after their several Deceases then as ?ourling(?) and cont??ing such of my Estate as is ffreehold In trust to and for the use and Behoof of all and every the Children of the Body of the said Robert Wyer lawfully begotten if more than one equally ## between them share and share alike not as Joynt Tenants but as Tenants in Common And to the use of their Heirs and Assigns for ever And if but One Child them to the use and behoof of such Child and of his Heirs and Assigns for ever And in Default of such Issue then In trust to Permit and Suffer my Niece Anne BAMPTON Daughter of my Sister Anne TIPPET and her Assigns to receive and ?a?e the Rents Issues and Profitts thereof during her Natural life and after her Decease Then my said ffreehold Estate to be and remain to and for the use and Behoof of her three Children Henry Bampton, Samuel BAMPTON and Anne HARCOMBE and of their Heirs and Assigns for ever not as Joynt Tenants but as Tenants in Common And as to such Part of my Estate as I hold by Lease for years or years determinable upon Lives In trust to pay and apply the Rents Issues and Profiits thereof towards the Support of my said Son Robert ## WYER during so long of my Term and Interest therein as he shall Live And after his Decease to his Wife and her Assigns during so long of the Remainder of my Term and Interest therein as she shall Live In case he shall leave any such Wife/ And from and after her Decease Then as ?o??ling and con???ing such of my Estate as is Leasehold In trust for all and every the Child and Children of my said Son Robert WYER lawfully begotten as shall be Living at the time of the ## Decease of the Survivor of them the said Robert WYER and his Wife equally between them for all the residue of my term and Interest therein Share and Share alike not as Joynt Tenants but as Tenants in Common And for Default of such Issue so to be Living as aforesaid or in case my said Son shall dye unmarryed Then In trust to Permit and Suffer my said Niece Anne ### Bampton and her Assigns to receive the Rents Issues and ### Profitts thereof during so long ### of my Term and Interest therein as She shall live And from and after her Decease In trust for the use and Behoof of her said three Children Henry Samuel and Ann during the residue of my term and Interest therein equally between them Share and Share alike not as Joint Tenants but as Tenants in Common Item I give to my Nephew William TIPPETT one Guinea in Gold Item all the rest and residue of my Moneys Securitys for money Goods plate Chattles and ### Personal Estate whatsoever I give and bequeath to my said friends William HARLE(?) and Joseph PIDDING In trust with all ## ……END PAGE TWO
…convenient Speed after my Decease to convert the same into money and the Money arising therefrom to place out at Interest in their own Names or in the Name of the survivior of them his Executors or Admtors on the best Security they can git for the same And the Interest arising therefrom shall from time to time pay and apply towards the Support of the said Robert WYER during his Natural Life And from and after his Decease pay and apply such Interest to his Widow in case he shall leave any at his Death And from and after the Decease of the Survivior of them shall equally divide my said Residuary Estate and the Produce thereof to and among all and every the Child and Children of the Body of the said Robert WYER lawfully begotten Share and Share alike And for default of such Children or Child Or in case the said Robert WYER shall dye unmarryed Then In trust to pay and apply such Interest to the said Anne BAMPTON and her Assigns during her Life And from and after her Decease In trust to divide my said Residuary Estate and the Produce thereof to and among her said three Children Henry Samuel and Anne equally between them Share and Share alike And my Will and Meaning is And I do hereby direct and appoint that my said Niece Anne BAMPTON shall have the Care and Maintenance of my said Son Robert WYER during so long of her Life as he my said Son shall live unmarryed And that my said Trustees shall allow and pay her a yearly Salary or Gratuity for his Board and her trouble in such her Care and Management as aforesaid not Exceeding fforty pounds And after her Decease And if my Said Son shall be then living and unmarryed Then I will and direct that her Daughter Anne HARCOMBE shall have the life Care and Management of him and be allowed the life yearly Salary for such her Care and Management And my Will and Meaning is that my said Trustees shall not be answerable for more of my Estate than Shall come to his or their ### Respective hands nor the One for the other of them nor for the Default or Neglect of the other of them Neither shall they be answerable for any Loss by reason of any bad Security ffire or other Inevitable Accidents but shall be allowed to Reimburse him and themselves all such Costs and Charges Which they or either of them shall be at in or about the ### Execution of the Trust hereby in them reposed And I do give unto Each of my said Trustees for his trouble the Sum of Six pounds And I do nominate constitute and appoint the said William HARLE(?) and Joseph PIDDING Joynt Executors In trust of this my last Will and Testament and Do Revoke all former Wills and declare this to be my last Will and ### Testament In Witness Whereof I have to this my last Will and Testament contained in two Sheets of Paper and part of another affixed together to the two first sett my hand and to this last my hand and Seale this twelfth day of ffebruary in the thirteenth year of the Reign # ##### # of our Sovereign Lord George the second by the Grace of God & King of Great Britain and so forth And in the year of our Lord ….1739...END PAGE THREE
….JANE WYER Signed Sealed published and declared by the Testatrix as and for her last Will and Testament in the and Presence of us who have Subscribed our Names as Witnesses in the Presence and at the Request of the said Testatrix - James JEANES, James PIDDING Mary JEANES/

THIS WILL was proved at London the twenty first day of January in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred and fforty five before the Right worshipfull John Bettesworth Doctor of Laws Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted By the Oaths of William HARLE(?) and Joseph PIDDING Executors In trust in the said Will named to whom Administration was granted of all and Singular the Goods Chattells and Creditts of the said deceased being first Sworn by Commissary duly to Administer

Will of THOMAS LANE, written 11 th of Apr 1695

  IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN, I Thomas LANE of the …… City of Bristoll Sopeboyler being somewhat………END PAGE ONE
Page Two:
…somewhat indisposed of body but praised be God of sound mind and memory Doe therefore make this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following Imprimus Whereas my brother Robert LANE is and standeth possessed and interested amongst other things of and in the late new built Messuage or Tenement with the appurtenances late in my owne holding but now in the tenure of my Nephew William TIPPETT situate in the Parish of St Thomas within the said City of Bristoll in a certaine place or street there called Leaden ?alls and which was heretofore two messuages and when two Anthony PATCH for sometime and afterwards the widow STYLE dwelt in one of them and the other of them was sometime in the possession of Christopher TAYLER and afterwards in the tenure of William JELLY(?) or his Assigns And alsoe of and in one other Messuage or Tenement with the appurtenances situate and being at the lower End of St Thomas Street in the parish of St Mary Redcliffe within the City of Bristoll aforesaid now or late in the tenure of Joseph LANGFORD Weaver for the residue to come of a terme of one thousand yeares which commenced(?) upon the death of my late deceased sister Joyce BROWNE Upon Trust for me my Executors and Adminst.s and Assigns to be granted as I or they should appoint As by the last Will and testament of her the said Joyce BROWNE may appeare(?) Now my will intent and appointment touching(?) the said Messuage or Tenements with the appurtences is and I doe hereby give and devise the same to the persons and in manner following viz. Imprimus I give and devise the said Messuage or Tenement now in the tenure of my before named Nephew William TIPPETT with its appurtences unto his Mother and my sister Anne TIPPETT Widow her Executors Administrators and Assignes for ??? during all the residue now to come and unexpired of the said terme of one thousand yeares And I give and devise the said Messuage or Tenement now or late in the tenure of Joseph LANGFORD Weaver with its appurtences to my Niece Anne TIPPETT her Executors Adminstrators and Assignes for and during all the residue now to come and unexpired of the same terme of one thousand yeares And I doe hereby desire order direct and appoint my said brother Robert LANE to grant and assigne the said severall Messuages or Tenements with their appurtences according to the purporte and true(?) meaning of this my Will Item I give to my said kinswoman Anne TIPPETT my silver salt seller Item I give and devise to my brother Gerard LANE those partes of the Tenement stituate and being in or neare Redcliffe Street within the said City of Bristoll by me lately purchased of Michael WHARTON Soapboyler which is used as a Soapehouse with its appurtences To hold the same to him the said Gerard LANE his Heires and Assignes forever But my will and meaning is That he and they shall yearly for the terme of seaven yeares next after my decease ^ (successively, written in margin to be inserted here) pay and allow to my said Nephew William TIPPETT one full moiety or halfe parte of the lease(?) rents and profitts of the same Soapehouse and the other partes of the said Tenement which is now in the holding of Edmond TUCKER(?) Apothecary with its appurtences I give and devise to my sister Jane WYRE wife of John WYRE Grocer for and during the terme of her naturall life towards her better support and maintenance However I doe hereby declare and my will intent and meaning is that her husband shall have nothing to doe therewith neither Shall the same be lyable to any Creditor or Creditors of him the said John WYRE or be subject to the payment of his debts but her owne receipt distinct(?) from her said husband shall be from time to time a good discharge to the tenant or tenants thereof for the rents of the said Premisses And the reversion and inheritance thereof ….END PAGE TWO
Page Three:
..inheritance thereof after her decease I give and devise to her son Robert WYRE and the heires of his body lawfully to be begotten But for want of such heires to my said kinsman William TIPPETT his heires and Assignes forever Item I give to my sister Elizabeth LANE Ten pounds of Lawfull money of England to be paid to her at the end of one moneth next after my decease And to my sister Sarah LANE the like same to be paid her at the same time Item I forgive my said kinsman William TIPPETT all rent that shall be due from him to me at the time of my decease for the said Tenement now in his holding Item I give to my kinsman Gerard LANE the sume of ffifty pounds of lawfull money of England to be paid to him within six moneths next after my decease Item I give to my kinswoman Anne the wife of John GIBBS Gent the like sume of ffifty pounds of like lawfull money of England to be paid to her within six moneths next after my decease Item all the rest and residue of my moneys goods chattels plate householdstuff debts and personall estate whatsoever and wheresoever all my just debts and legacies being first paid and the expenses of my funerall (which I desire may be decent) fully defrayed(?) I give and bequeath to my said brother Robert LANE Whom I make and constitute sole and whole Executor of this my last Will and Testament Lastly I doe hereby revoke annull and make void all former Wills by me made and doe declare this to be my last Will and Testament In witnesse whereof I have to this my last Will and Testament putt my hand and seale this eleaveneth day of Aprill in the yeare of our Lord God (according to the account now used in the Church of England) One thousand six hundred ninety and five Thomas LANE Then signed sealed and published in the presence of ffran: YEAMANS James MILLARD Robt. YEAMANS

PROBATUM fuit ????? Testamentum apnd(?) London coram venti et egregio viso Domino Richard Raines Legum Doctore Curia Prerogative Cantuari?nsis Magio Custode si?e Comparioltime(?) constitutio Derino(?) Septimo dic mensis July Anno Domini Millino Sevremino(?) ?????? quinto Juramento Roberti LANE ffratris Executoris in codem Testamento nominat Cui Comissa fuit Adminstrato ?????? et singuforum ????? et ??edil oram dicti defuncti De bene et fide?iter adminstrando cadem ad sa??ta Dei ??angetia vigore Commis Jurat ???


  In the Name of God Amen I William CAMPION of Rushden in the County of Northampton Yeoman being (Thanks be to God) of a Sound and Disposing Mind & Memory but Considering the Mortality of my Body and the Uncertainty of the Time of my Death Doe this Twenty Eighth day of October in the yeare of our Lord One Thousand Seven hundred and Forty Six Make this my Last Will and Testament in manner following (that is to Say) First I Give and Devise All my Freehold Coppyhold and Bondhold Messuages Cottages Closes Lands Tenements and hereditaments with their and every of their Rights members and appurtenances to the same or any of them belonging Scituate lyeing & being in Rushden aforesaid and the Revertion & Revertions remainder & remainders thereof And also All That the Revertion or Remainder in Fee Simple and all other my Estate whatsoever Expectant upon the Death of my Natural Mother Mary Campion Widow Of & in All That Freehold Messuage Cottage or Tenement and Three Closes of pasture or inclosed pasture grounds with their and every of their appurtenances Scituate Standing Lyeing & being in Sharnbrook in the County of Bedford And all other my Lands Tenements & hereditaments Scituate and being in Rushden and Sharnbrook aforesaid or in any or either of them either in posssession reversion remainder Expectancy Law Equity or otherwise however with their & every of their appurtenances unto William BLOSSOM the Elder of Rushden aforesaid Blacksmith (who Intermarryed with Elizabeth my Natural Sister) and to his heires & assignes forever To Have and To Hold the said Devised Messuages Cottages C[l]oses Lands Tenements Hereditaments and Premises & every of them & Every of their appurt[enance]s unto the s[ai]d William BLOSSOM his heires & assigns forever And I doe Give & Bequeath unto my s[ai]d Mother the Summ of Forty shillings a year to be paid to her during the Terme of her natural Life at four Quarterly Payments to wit at Lady Day Michaelmas St Thomas & St John the Baptist the first payment thereof to begin & be made on the first of the s[ai]d days which shall follow my Decease Also the Bed She lyes on with the Bedstead Curtains & apurt[enance]s Three pair of Sheets Two kettles Six Chairs Two of the least Barrels one Tub & one Joynt Stool And I give & Bequeath unto my Loveing & Natural Sister Susannah the wife of Samuel CHURCH of Wimington in the s[ai]d County of Bedford Butcher the Summ of Forty pounds And I Give & Bequeath unto my Loving & Natural Sister Hannah the wife of Robert COOKE of Nurston in the S[ai]d County of Northton Husbandman the Summ of Twenty pounds both which Legacyes I will shall be paid within one year after my decease & be Charged upon my personal Estate And I Give & Bequeath to the s[ai]d William BLOSSOM All my Goods Chattells Cattle Stock in Husbandry Rights Credits Money Securitys Houshold Stuff Furniture & all other my personal Estate whatsoever & wheresoever not herein before disposed of he paying my Debts Legacys & Funeral Expences And I doe Constitute make & Appoint the s[ai]d William BLOSSOM Sole Executor of this my Last Will & Testament hereby Revokeing all former & other Wills by me heretofore made In Witness whereof I the s[ai]d William CAMPION the Testator have hereunto Set my hand & Seale the day & year first above written William CAMPION
  Transcribed by Eric Parker NRO ref : N Will 19 Nov 1746

WILL OF WILLIAM CAMPION, written 7 Dec 1740, Proven 3 June 1741

 IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. I William CAMPION of Rushden in the County of Northampton Gentleman being sick and infirm of Body/ but thanks be to God/ of a sound and disposing mind and Memory Doe this seventh day of December in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty make constitute and appoint this my last will and testament in Manner and form following/ that is to say/ first and principally I commend my Soul to the mercy of Almighty God hopeing through the Meritts and Mediation of my blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ to receive free pardon and forgiveness of my Sins and my Body I commit to the Earth to be decently Interred at the discretion of my Executor hereinafter named And as for this worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased Almighty God to bless me I give and dispose thereof as follows/ that is to say/ ffirst my will is and I do hereby direct that all my Just debts and funerall expenses be justly paid and discharged ALSO I give and devise all my Messuages Cottages Closes Lands Tenements and hereditaments with their and every of their Appurtences Stituate Standing lyeing and being in Sharnbrook in the (four words obscured by crease in paper, probably reads “County of Bedford unto”) my loveing wife for and dureing her the Term of her naturall life and from and after her decease then I give and devise the same unto my naturall son William CAMPION his heirs and Assigns forever ALSO I give and devise unto my loveing wife for and during the Term of her naturall life one annuity or yearly rent charge of two pounds to be issueing out of and charged upon my ffreehold Coppyhold and Bondhold Messuages Cottages Closes Lands Tenements and hereditaments with their and every of their Appurtences Stituate Standing lyeing and being in Rushden aforesaid And to be paid unto her my said wife yearly and every year by equall portions on two usuall feasts or days of payment/ that is to say/ the feast of St Thomas the Apostle and the feast of St John Baptist and the first payment thereof to be made on the first of the same feasts or days as shall next happen after my decease And my will is and I doe hereby direct that all the same Annuity and Yearly rent charge and every part thereof shall be as aforesaid payed without any Manner of deduction or Abatement thereof or thereout to be made of or for any taxes charges payments or thing or things whatsoever And my will also is and I doe hereby direct that in Case any part of the said Annuity or Yearly rent charge shall be behind and unpaid by the space of twenty days after any of the said feasts or days of payment whereon the same ought to be paid as aforesaid the same being lawfully demanded then and in every or any such Case or Cases it shall and may be lawfull to and for my said wife in to and upon all or any of my same Messuages Cottages Closes Lands Tenements and hereditaments with their and every their Appurtences to enter and the same to have hold and Enjoy and receive take and enjoy the rents Issues and profitts thereof untill therewith and thereby all such of the said Annuity or Yearly rent charge as shall be so behind And also such charges and Expenses as shall be concerning the same shall be (crossed out word) fully paid and discharged ALSO I give and devise all my same Messuages Cottages Closes Lands Tenements and hereditaments with their and every of their Appurtences Stituate Standing lyeing and being in Rushden aforesaid (being charged and chargeable and subject and liable to the said Annuity or Yearly rent charge as aforesaid) Unto the said William CAMPION his heirs and Assigns forever ALSO I give and bequeath unto my Loveing daughter Hannah CAMPION the sume of one Hundred pounds to be paid to her imediately after my death ALSO I give and bequeath unto my Loveing daughter Elizabeth wife of William BLOSSOM of Rushden aforesaid Blacksmith the sume of Seventy four pounds to be paid to her imediately after my death Also I give and bequeath unto my Grandson William BLOSSOM the sume of five pounds to be paid to him imediately after my death Also I give to my Daughter Susannah CHURCH the sume of two shillings and six pence ^ (inserted in tiny writing between this line and the one above) And my will is and I do hereby charge all my real Estate in Rushden aforesaid & my personall? Estate with the payment of the above mentioned Legacys (returns to normal line) All the rest and residue of my Goods Chattells and Personall Estate whatsoever and wheresoever I give and bequeath unto the said William CAMPION And I do hereby make constitute him the said William CAMPION sole Executor of this my last will and Testament And I do hereby revoke all former wills by me made IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the day and year first above written CAMPION The mark of William CAMPION (beside what appears to be a small red seal)
Signed Sealed published and declared by the above named William CAMPION the testator to be his last will and Testament in the presence of us three whom he desired to attest the same and who sett our hands as witnesses hereunto ^ (the word 'in' has been inserted above) his presence And the words (and my will is and I do hereby charge all my real Estate in Rushden aforesaid and my personall Estate with the above mentioned Legacys) being first interlined(?) of all which weare witnesses: James LANT??, the mark of Lews LANTOFF and Robert STEVENS
3rd June 1741 William CAMPION the sole testator named in the above written will was Sworn well and faithfully to fulfill the same (unknown word) ? BROWNE

WILL OF William SPENCER, 21st Oct 1701

  In the Name of God Amen I William SPENCER the elder of Upton in the County of Northon yoem being in good health of body and of sound perfect mind and memory Praise be given unto almighty god therefore But considering the Certainty & uncertainty of death Doe make and ordaine this my last Will and testamt in manner & forme following (that is to say) ffirst I comend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God hopeing through the merritts death & passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ to have full & free pardon & forgiveness of all my Sins And to Inheritt everlasting life And my body I comitt to the Earth to be decently buryed at the discretion of my Executr hereafter named And as touching the dispostion of all such temporall Estate as itt hath pleased God to bestow upon me I give & dispose thereof as followeth Imprimis I will that my debts Legacies and funerall Expences shall be paod and discharged Item I give & bequeath unto my daughter Lidiah SPENCER the sume of one hundred pounds to be paod to her by my Executr hereafter named withing Six minths next after my decease Item I give & bequeath to my Son George SPENCER all my stick of Cattle of what kind soever and all my Crop of Corne Graine & Hay whatsoever both Growing and inned Together alsoe with all my materialls & implemts of husbandry of what Sort soever And the furnace and stock in the home And also one bedd and bedstead which of my bedds & bedsteads my wife shall think fitt Itt being my intent & meaning that my said Son George in .....? of the said devise to him of my stock and Cropp as aforesaid And I doe hereby appoint him to pay and discharge all Such rent as shall happen to bee due and in Arrears from me att the time of my decease as alsoe the next occuring rent after my death It being alsoe my intent and I doe hereby (as much as mee lyes) devise my Sd son George doe enter & goe on my fformer Liveing after my decease Item I give to my Son William SPENCER and his heires All that or there my house or houses in the Southquarter in the Towne of Northon Settled upon my Marriage after the decease of my wife All the rest and residue of my personall Estate goods Chattells whatsoever & wheresoever not herein before disposed of I give & bequeath unto my loveing wife Hannah And doe make and appoint her full & Sole Executrix of this my last Will and testamt hereby revoaking & makeing null & void all former and other wills by me att any time heretofore made In Witness whereof I the sd William SPENCER have to this my last Will & testamt Sett my hand and seale this one and twentyeth day of Oct in the thirteenth yeare of the Reigne of our Soverainge Lord William the third by the grace of God of England Scotland ffrance & Ireland King defender of the faith et Annoq Dni 1701 William SPENCER (seal)
  Signed published and
(edge of page missing) d by the Testaor as his
(edge of page missing) & testamt in the psence of
William ...........e
Probate in Latin: 25th February 1705 to Hannah SPENCER


  Sam Roughton late of Denford Gent In the name of God Amen I Samuel ROUGHTON the Elder of Denford in the County of Northampton Gent being in declining State of health but sound and prefect in mind and understanding Do Make and publish this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following (this is to say) Imprimis I give and bequeath unto each of my Son Ward's? Children Tenn pounds a piece to be paid them severally and respectively as they severally and respectively attain their Ages of One and twenty years or day of Marriage which shall first happen with Interest Yearly for and toward their maintenance and bringing upp. Item I give and bequeath unto my grandson Francis PELL the sum of twenty pounds to be applyed for and towards the putting and placeing him out to some such Trade business of profession and for and towards finding him neceseseries during such time as he shall be so putt or placed out I also give to the said Francis PELL all my useful wearing apparel Item I give and bequeath unto my Grandson Samuel PELL the Sum of Tenn pounds to be paid him at the Age of One and twenty years Item I give and bequeath unto my Grandson William PELL the Sum of Five pounds Item I give and bequeath unto my Grandaughter Mary PELL the Sum of Twenty pounds Item I give and bequeath unto my Grandson William ROUGHTON the Sum of Five pounds Item I give and bequeath unto my Grandson Samuel SPENCER the Sum of Tenn pounds Item I give and bequeath unto my Son John ROUGHTON the Sum of Tenn pounds Item I give and bequeath unto my Son Samuel ROUGHTON my best Silver Tankard Item I give and bequeath unto my Son Francis ROUGHTON my other Silver Tankard Item I give and bequeath unto my Son William ROUGHTON my Silver Cupp Item All my household goods and Chattells whatsoever and wheresoever I give and bequeath unto my son Francis ROUGHTON Item I give and bequeath unto my Son Harris ROUGHTON One Guinea to buy a Mourning Ring Item All my Cottages Messuages Clases Lands Tenements and Hereditaments with their and every of their appurtenances situate lying and being in Denford aforesaid Ringstead and Raunds in the aforesaid County of Northampton and also where I give and bequeath and Devise unto my Sons Samuel ROUGHTON and Frances ROUGHTON and to their Heirs and Assigns for ever as Tenants in common And not as joint Tenants Subject nevertheless to and taxable and chargeable with and I do hereby subject tax and charges on the said Cottages Messuages, Lands Tenements and Hereditaments to and with the payment of all my just Debts and funeral expences that my Assests shall or may fall short of paying and discharging if any such shall happen to be But it is my wish and I do hereby direct and appoint that if any Money due or owing to me should happen to be lost or not paid to my Executors herein after named so as the Sum or Sums by them recieved should not be sufficient to pay and discharge the severall Legacies herein before named I do hereby Order direct and Appoynt that each Legatee herein before named shall sink? deduct and abate out of their respective Legacies to ......and them herein before respectively given in proportion to the Sum or Sums by my Executors lost and not received as aforesaid And I do hereby ordain nominate constitute and appoint my loving Sons Samuel ROUGHTON and Francis ROUGHTON full and joint Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making void all former and other wills and Executors by me before this time made and named ratifying and confirming that this contained in this one sheet of paper and no other to be my last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seall this first day of May in the Twenty fifth yeare or the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the second by the grace of God of Great Britain France and Ireland King Defender of the Faith et And in the Year of our Lord Christ One thousand Seven hundred and Fifty two
the marke of Samuel ROUGHTON, the Elder (seal)
Signed Sealed published and Declared by the Testator as and for his last Will and Testament in the Presence of us who in the Testator's presence and in the presence of each other as Witnesses hereunto have Subscribed our Hands
John CURTIS Thomas BEALL (initial I, J or L) ALLISON
Probate: The thirteth day of June 1753 Samuel ROUGHTON and Francis ROUGHTON full & Joynt Executors named in the within written Will were sworn faithfully to perform the same & so forth
Before me Edwd YORKE Surrogate

WILL OF JOHN BAXTER, 20th Apr 1728

  1729 Baxter, John, fellmonger, Denford NTH
Johis BAXTER de Denford deft P bate 15th die Aprillus 1729
In the Name of God Amen, I John BAXTER of Denford in the County of Northampton felmonger do make this my last Will & Testament in manner & forme following ffirst I bequeathe my Soule into the hand of Almighty God my maker & hopeing hopeing (sic) through the merritts of Jesus Christ my Saviour & Redeemer to have everlasting life & my body I commit to the Earth to be decently Buried at the discretion of my Executor hereafter named; And as touching my Temporall Esstate as it hath pleased god to bestow upon me I do hereby give & bequeath as followeth ~~~~
Imprimis I give unto my Son in Law Sam: ROUGHTON that my measuage or Teninment now in the possession of John SPARROW of Denford. And all my personable Estate whether Mortgages Bonds Bills Booke debts & all manner of goods whatsoever I shall possess of at my decease, paying such my lawfull debts & legacies hereafter named, Item I give unto my Son John BAXTER my Wearing Apparell & one shillings in money, And to my Son Will BAXTER one shilling in money, And to my five daughters viz. Ann, Elizabeth, Susanna, Mary & Rebecca one shilling Each in money, And to all my Grandchildren that shall be living at my decease one shilling to each of them in money ~~~~
And I give thirty shillings to the poore Widdows of the Parrish to be devided as my Executor shall think fitt, And I do ordain appoint declare my La?: Son in Law, Samuel ROUGHTON aforesd full & Sole Executor of this my last Will & Testament, & I do hereby disanull all former Wills heretofore made by me ~~~~ John BAXTER (seal)
In Witntness thereof I have hereunto Set my Hand & Seale this Twentyeth day of Aprill 1728
Sign d Seal d & declar d & publish d by the
above sd John BAXTER to be his last
Will & Testamt in the presence of;
Rich d COOKE


WILL OF SIMON DANES, 27th Feb 1746

  In the Name of God Amen.
I Simon Danes of Kingsthrope in the County of Northton Gentleman being Ill of Body but of a Sound disposing mind Memory and Understanding therefore do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following (that is to say) ffirst I give and Devise unto my Beloved Wife Elizabeth DANES (for and during) the Term of her Natural Life All my Messuages Lands ^ ('and...', written in margin)Tenements and ffreehold Estate whatsoever Situate and being in the Towns ffields or Pairshes of Wellingborow, Barton Ashby and Kingsthorpe Each in the said Conty of Northampton with their respective Appurtenances thereunto belonging and from and Immediately after the death of my Wife I give devise and Bequeath All my said Meesuages Lands Tenements Hereditaments and ffreehold Estate whatsoever in the said Parishes and ffields of Wellingborow Barton and Ashby with all their Appurtenances unto my Son George DANES and his Heirs and Assigns for ever Also I Give and Devise unto my said Son George DANES (after my Wifes Death) all that my ffarm with the House thereunto belonging and all of my Goods in the said House and also all my Plate and also all the Utensils belonging to Husbandry on my ffarm in Kingsthorpe aforesaid and to his Heirs and Assigns for Ever Nevertheless Subject to the payment of Several Legacies herein after Named and if it shall so happen that my said Son George DANES dye before my said Wife without Issue I Give and Devise the aforesaid Premisses ^('with their Appurtenances', inserted in margin) unto my Sons that Shall Survive my Wife to be Equally divided amongst them Share and Share alike Subject to the payment of Such Money as is herein after Mentioned for George to pay also I Give and bequeath unto my said Son George DANES the Sum of three hundred Pounds of good and Lawfull Money to be paid him by my Wife at Such time and in Such Manner as She shall Judge most Conveinent for his Good and Advancement in the World.......(End of Page One)
Page Two: Item I Give and Bequeath unto my Eldest son Simon DANES and to his Assigns all the Stock and Utensils belonging to the ffarm in Patenham in the County of Bedford Item I Give and Bequeath the Sum of two hundred Pounds of Good and Lawfull Money to the Children of my said Son Simon DANES to be paid them when the younger comes of the Age of twenty-one Years Share and Share alike (amongst them that shall be then Living) by my Wife and if she shall think proper She may pay the Interest of the two hundred Pounds to my Son Simon DANES Yearly as it becomes due till such time as his youngest Child shall be of Age and the Money become due and if it shall so happen that my Wife dieth before the said Legacy of Two hundred Pounds aforesaid is Paid or becomes due that my Son George DANES shall pay the said Two hundred Pounds to the Children of his Brother Simon DANES that shall be Living when the Youngest Shall be of Age aforesaid Share and Share alike and I do hereby require my Son George to pay his Brother Simon DANES (after his Mother's decease) the Interest of the said Two hundred Pounds Punctually as it Shall be due every Year till the time appointed for the said Legacy being paid Also I do hereby devise order and command my said Son George DANES to pay unto my three Sons (six months after my Wife's Death) or to their Assigns the Sum of Three hundred Pounds of Good and Lawfull Money (that is to say) to pay unto my Son John DANES the Sum of One hundred Pounds Six Months after my Wife's decease and also to pay the like Sum of One Hundred Pounds to my Son Samuel DANES and also one Hundred Pounds to my Son William DANES at the time aforesaid (that is Six Months after his Mother's decease also I Order and Command my Son George DANES to pay unto my Son in Law Charles BUSWELL the Sun of two Hundred Pounds which I Gave Bond for payable Six Months after my Wife's Death and I do hereby Charge the aforesaid Premisses so Devised and Bequeathed with the payment All and Singularly the said Legacys Item I Give and devise unto my Son John DANES and to his Heirs and Assigns for Ever all the Tythes with All and Singular the Appurtenances thereunto belonging in Patenham in the said County of Bedford also I Give and bequeath unto my said Son John DANES the Sum of One Hundred and ninety Pound of Good and Lawfull Money to be paid him by his Mother at Such a time and after such a manner as she s shall Judge will be the most Advantage to him Item I Give and Bequeath unto my Son Samuel DANES the Sum of Six Hundred Pounds of Good and Lawfull Money to be paid him or his Assigns at such time and after such manner as his Mother shall think fit and Judge monst Conveinent for his Good and Advantage in the World Item I Give and Bequeath unto my Son William DANES the Sum of Six Hundred Pounds of Good and Lawfull Money to be paid him by my Wife when She shall Judge or see the best time of Advanting of him in the World my Will is that my Wife shall take Good Care to pay all the Lagcys assigned her when She shall see the Best Prospect of my Children Settling in the World to Advance themselves Item I Give and Bequeath unto the poor people of the Parish of Kingsthorpe the Sum of Twenty Shillings to be given away in Bread after my death and to be given away by my Wife when She Judgeth it most Suitable for her and them | All the rest and residue of my ready Money Money at Interest Money out on Bond and all my Goods Chattels and Personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever I Give and bequeath unto my said Loving Wife Elizabeth DANES whom I Ordain Nominate and appoint Sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament Thereby Revokeing and making Void all former Wills at any time by me Made and I desire this may be Esteemed as my Last Will and Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my Hand and Seal this Twenty Seventh day of ffebruary and in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and forty Six | Simon DANES | Signed Sealed Published and declared by the said Simon DANES as his last Will and Testament in the Presence of us who have Subscribed our Names as Witnesses and the Word (Wife) is interlined twice and (without issue) once and Pound once before Sigining and in the Presence of each other containing three Sheets of Paper | Richard GREEN | Thomas FREEMAN | John JOHNSON.
This Will was Proved at London before the Right Worshipfull John BETTEWORTH Doctor of Law Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury Lawfully Constituted on the Second day of May in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and forty Six by the Oath of Elizabeth DANES Widow the Relict of the deceased and Sole Executrix named in the said Will to whom Administration was granted of all and singular the Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased being first Sworn by Commission duly to Administer | - 2nd May 1746

WILL OF ELIZABETH, 17th Sep 1755

  In the Name of God Amen
I Elizabeth DANES Widow and Relict of Simon DANES late of Kingsthorpe in the County of Northampton Gent deceased seriously considering the Frailty and Uncertainty of Human Life Do make and Ordaine this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme following (that is to say) First I give and bequeath the Sun of One hundred pounds unto my Grandaughter Hannah BUSWELL the daughter of my Son and Daughter Charles BUSWELL and Elizabeth his wife the same to be paid to my said Grandaughter when she shall attain her age of Twenty years and the Interest thereof in the mean time shall go and be paid to the said Charles BUSWELL and Elizabeth his wife and the Survivor of them and in case my said Grandaughter shall happen to dye before she attain her age of Twenty one years my mind and will is that the said sum of One hundred pounds shall be at the Sole Dispossall of my said Daughter Elizabeth BUSWELL and shall go and be paid as she by any instrument under her hand and Seall attested by two or more Credible Witnesses shall Limmitt and Direct
Also I give and bequeath unto my son John DANES the Sum of Fifty two pounds ten shillings of lawfull British money now due and owing me from my son George DANES for a year and a halfs Rent of a Farm at Kingsthorpe Provided never the less that my son George DANES shall quietly permitt my Son John to hold and enjoy the Farm he Rents of me at Kingsthorpe aforesaid for the full Term and Space of One year and a half from the time of my Decease then my mind and will is that the said Fifty two pounds & 10s. shall sink in the hands of my Son George and not be paid to the said John DANES nor demanded by my said Exes. but the said John DANES shall pay Rent to the sd George DANES for and during such term and space as he shall occupy the said ffarm from the time of my Decease such Rents to be the usuall & accustomed Rent
also I give and bequeath unto my Son John DANES such Rent as he may happen to owe me at the Time of my Death
Also after payment of my just Debts Legacies and Funeral Expenses I give and bequeath all the rest and residue of my Money goods Chattells and Personal Estate whatsoever and wheresoever unto my son John DANES and my Son in Law Charles BUSWELL to and for their own Use and Benefit to take as Tenants in Common and not as Joint tenants
Alos I do hereby Nominate Constitute and Appoint my Son John DANES and my Son in Law Charles BUSWELL Sole Executors of this my last Will and Testament
Also I give unto my Son in Law Simon DANES and my Sons George DANES and Samuell DANES and William DANES the Sum of Five pounds apiece to buy them Mourning the same to be paid in the Six Months next after my Decease
In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal this Seventeenth Day of September in the Twenty Ninth Year of the Reign of King George the Second and in the Year of our Lord 1755
Signed Sealed Delivered
by the Testatrix Elizabeth DANES as Elizabeth DANES (Seal)
and for her last Will and testament
the Words and a hlaf being first Interlined
in the Thirty fourth Line of the first
sheet in the Presence of
I do by this Codocil annexed to this my last Will and Testament give and devise unto my Daughter Elizabeth BUSWELL all my wearing apparell and greeat Bible And my mind and Will is that my Son John DANES pays his Brother George DANES the sum of twenty pounds more out of the Arrears of Rent due to me at my Death notwithstanding it wa snot mentioned in the former Part of Will In Witness whereof I do hereunto set my Hand and Seal this nineteenth Day of August and in the Year of our Lord 1761
Elizabeth Her X Mark DANES (Seal)
Signed Sealed in the
Presence of Joseph REYNOLDS Elizabeth REYNOLDS Jos? CHAPMAN
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