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[58] Will of William Campion, written 16(?) Nov 1695
[59] Will of Francis Campion, Proven 1702
[60] Will of Thomas Campion, written 22nd Feb 1747
[61] Will of William Hide, written 22nd Jul 1696
[62] Will of William Campion, written 6th Oct 1648
[63] Will of Thomas Hipwell, written 27th Apr 1687

WILL OF WILLIAM CAMPION, Written 16th(?) Nov 1695

  In the name of God Amen I William CAMPION of Rushden in the County of Northton yeoman being Sick & Weake in Body but of Sound perfect & disposing mind & Memory doe make & ordaine this my last will & Testamt in manner & forme ffollowing Imprimis I Comend my Soule into the hands of Almighty God my Creator trusting to bee aved(?) by his Mercy [word](through?) the merritts of my Lord & Saviour Jesus Christ & my Body I Comitt to the Earth to bee decently buried at the discretion of my Executrix hereafter named & for my Temporall Estate I dispose of the Same as followeth Imprimis I give & devise unto my Son William CAMPION the Sume of ffourty Pounds of lawfull money of England to bee paid within one yeare after my decease Itm I give & devise unto my Son Thomas CAMPION the Sume of Thirty Pounds of lawfull money of England to bee paid when hee Shall attaine the age of One & Twenty yeares Upon this Condition that hee the Said Thomas CAMPION when he Shall attaine his age of One & Twenty yeares doe & Shall Surrender all his right & title of & into All that messuage with appurtenances & all those three & Twenty acres of arable land & two Swathes & a halfe & two Draughts of meadow which are the Joynture of Susanna my Wife Unto William CAMPION the younger & his heires & doe & Shall likewise permitt & Suffer the Said William CAMPION the younger from & after the decease of mee & Susanna my Wife peaceably & quietly to hold & enjoy the Same but if my Said Son Thomas Shall refuse or neglect Soe to doe then my Will & mind is that his Said legacy Shall bee void Itm I give & devise unto my Son ffrancis CAMPION the Sume of One hundred & Twenty poundes of lawfull money of England to be paid when hee Shall attaine the age of one & Twenty yeares Upon this Condition that he the Said ffrancis CAMPION when he Shall attaine the age of one & Twenty yeares doe & Shall Surrender all his right & title of & into all that messuage with the appurtenances & all those three & Twenty acres of arable land & two swathes & a halfe & two Draughts of Meadow which are the Joynture of Susanna my Wife Unto William CAMPION the younger & his heires & doe & Shall likewise permitt & Suffer the Said William CAMPION the younger from & after the decease of mee & Susanna my Wife peaceably & quietly to hold & enjoy the Same but if my Said Son ffrancis Shall refuse & neglect Soe to doe then my Will & mind is that his Said legacy Shall be void And my Will & mind is & I doe hereby declare direct & appoint that my Said Executrix Shall mantayne & Educate my Son ffrancis out of the profitts of his portion & Shall have full power & authority to pay any Sume out of the Said Legacies given to my Said two younger Sons not exceeding Twenty poundes apeice to put them out Apprentices in Some honest calling Itm I give & devise to my Daughter Susanna the Wife of Henry LAMBE of Higham fferrers the Sume of tenn poundes of lawfull money of England to bee paid within One yeare after my decease Itm…END PAGE ONE
Page 2;…..(**note right edge of page not in image)…..I give & devise Unto my Daughter Elizabeth the Wife of George GOODE the younger of Higham fferrers aforesaid the Sume of Thirty poundes of lawfull money of England to be paid within One yeare after my decease All the rest & residue of my goods Chattles Stock Crop of Grains houshold Stuff Securities moneyes & all other my personall Estate whatsoever my debts Legacies & funeral(?) Charges being first paid & discharged I give devise & bequeath Unto my loving(?) Wife Susanna whom I make Sole Executrix of this my last will & Testament Revoaking hereby all other & former Wills by mee att any time heretofore made In Wittnesse whereof to this my last Will & Testament Contayned in two Sheets or paper I have hereunto Sett my hand & Seale the Sixt….(?) day of September in the Seveneth yeare of the Raigne of his ma???e King William over England ?? Annog?? Dn? 1695
The marke of "W" William CAMPION (red seale affixed next to mark)
Signed Sealed declared &
published by the Said William
as his last Will and
Testament in the presence of
John MOTT(?)
Robert DRAPER(?)



  In the name of God Amen I Francis CAMPION of Rushden in the County of Northampton Husbandman being sick & weake of Body But of sound & perfect mind memory & understanding (thanks be to God) Doe make & declare my last will & testament as followeth (viz) first & principally I give & bequeath my Soul into the hands of Almighty God my Heavenly Father Hopeing to be saved by & through the alone meritts of Jesus Christ my only Saviouor & Redeemer My Body I comitt to the Earth to be decently Buried And as for my Worldly Estate which it has pleased God to bestow on me I give bequeath & dispose the same as followeth (after my Debts & funerall Charges paid or diducted) Imprimis I Doe hereby give & bequeath unto my Brother William CAMPION of Rushden aforesaid yeoman the sume of Threescore & ten pounds of lawfull money of England. Item I Doe hereby give & bequeath unto my Brother Thomas CAMPION the sume of threescore & ten pounds of like lawfull money of England And my Silver Tankerd. Item I Doe hereby likewise give & bequeath unto my Sister Susanna the wife of Henry LAMBE of Higham Ferrers in the County of Northampton aforesaid Butcher the sume of tenn poundes of like lawfull money of England.
Item I Doe hereby Give & bequeath unto my Sister Elizabeth wife of John WELLS of Woodall in the County of Bedford Graiser the sume of ten poundes of like lawfull money of England.
Item I Doe hereby Give & bequeath unto my neice Susanna LAMBE Daughter of the said Henry LAMBE the sume of seven pounds of like lawfull money of England to be paid her when she shall attaine the age of one & twenty yeares.
Item I Doe hereby Give & bequeath unto my neice Mary LAMBE daughter of the said Henry LAMBE the sume of seven pounds of like lawfull money of England to be paid her when she shall attaine the Age of one & twenty yeares.
Item I Doe hereby Give & bequeath unto my neice Martha LAMBE Daughter of the said Henry LAMBE the sume of seven pounds of like lawfull money of England to be paid her when she shall attaine the age of one & twenty yeares.
And my will & meaning is that in case any of my said nieces Mary, Susanna or Martha shall Dye or depart this life before they shall attaine their said respective ages of one & twenty yeares then the portion or sume to her or them Soe Dyeing herein before bequeathed shall be equally divided between the survivors of them And in case two of them of the said Mary, Susanna, & Martha shall Dye or depart this life before they shall respectively attaine their said respective ages then the severall sumes to them severally herein before bequeathed shall goe & be paid to the survivor of them the said Mary Martha & Susanna at their or her said respective ages of one & twenty yeares.
Item I Doe hereby give & bequeath unto Mary GOODE Daughter of George GOODE late of Woodall aforesaid Husbandman dec'd the sume of seven poundes of like lawfull money of England to paid her when she shall attaine the age of one & twenty yeares. Item I doe likewise Give & bequeath to George GOODE sone of the aforesaid George GOODE the sume of seven pounds of like lawfull money of England to be paid him when he shall attaine the age of one & twenty yeares.
And my will & meaning is that in case either of them the said Mary GOODE or George GOODE shall Dye or depart this life before she or he shall attaine their respective ages of one & twenty yeares that then & in such case the sume to her or him soe dyeing shall goe & be paid to the survivor of them at her or his said respective age of One & twenty yeares.
Proved 1702

WILL OF Thomas CAMPION, Written 22nd Feb 1747

  In the name of God Amen I Thomas CAMPION of Rushden in the County of Northampton yeoman being (thanks be to God) of a sound and Disposeing Mind and Memory But considering the Mortality of my Body and the uncertainty of the Time of my Death Do this twenty second day of february in the year of our Lord One thousand and seven Hundred and fourty Seven make Constitute and appoint this my last Will and Testament in manner following (that is to Say) ffirst and principally I commend my Soul to the mercy of Almighty God hopeing in and through the merritts of my only Saviour Jesus Christ to receive free pardon and forgiveness of my Sins and my Body I commend to the Earth to be decently interred at the discretion of my Executor hereinafter named and as for this Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to bless me I give and dispose thereof as follows ffirst my Will is and I do hereby direct that all my Just Debts and ffunerall Expenses be Justly paid and discharged ALSO I give and Bequeath unto my two nieces Susannah the Wife of Samuel CHURCH of Wimmington in the County of Bedford Butcher and Hannah the Wife of Robert COOKE of Nurston in the parish of Irchester in the said County of Northampton Husbandman (daughters of my late brother William CAMPION deceased) the Sum of fforty pounds a piece to be paid to them within Twelve Months next after my Decease by and out of my Reall Estate hereinafter mentioned But my Will is and I do hereby direct that in Case both or either of my Said Neices Susannah CHURCH and Hannah COOKE Shall depart this life before the Said Legacys Shall become due and payable as aforesaid and Shall leave Issue of her or their Body or Bodys that then and in Such Case or Cases the Legacy of Such of them as Shall so depart this life leaveing issue as aforesaid Shall be paid unto and Equally Divided amongst all the Issue ^ ('male and female' wrritten above) of my Said Nieces as Shall so depart this life at Such time as the mother of Such Issue would have been intitled to the Said Legacy but if either of them my Said Nieces Shall depart this life without issue before the Legacy of her so departing Shall become due and payable as aforesaid that then the said Legacy of Such of my Said Nieces as Shall so depart this life without issue as aforesaid Shall be paid unto the Survivor of them my Said Nieces But if both of my Said Nieces Shall depart this life without Issue of either of their Bodys before the Legacys Shall become due and payable as aforesaid that then and in Such Case the Said Legacys Shall not be paid at all but Shall go and be to my Executor Also I give and Bequeath unto my Nephew George GOODES the Sum of Ten pounds to be paid unto him Twelve Months next after the decease of the Survivor of me and my Said Wife Alice But my Will is and I do hereby direct that if my Said Nephew George GOODES Shall depart this life before the Said Legacy Shall become due and payable to him as aforesaid and Shall leave Issue male or female of his Body that then the Said Legacy of Ten pounds Shall be paid unto and Equally Divided between the Issue of the Said George GOODES Male and female Share and Share a like But in Case the Said George GOODES Shall depart this life before the said Legacy Shall become due and payable to him as aforesaid and without Issue male or female that then and in Such Case the Said Legacy of Ten pounds Shall not be paid at all but Shall go and be to my Executor anything hereincontained to the Contrary notwithstanding Also (from and after the decease of my loveing Wife Alice) I give and devise unto my Said Nephew George GOODES for and dureing the term of his Natural life and from and after his Decease then unto the Heires of his Body lawfully begotten or to be begotten and for so out of……END PAGE ONE…..
…….Such Issue then unto the Said William BLOSSOM his Heires and Assignes for ever All that my Messuage Cottage or Tenement wherein I now dwell in Rushden aforesaid with the Orchard & Garden thereunto adjoyning and belonging being all Bondhold and also all those my five acres and one Rood & an halfe or thereabouts of Arable Land and Ley Ground lying in Rushden aforesaid being part Bondhold and part Copyhold together with the rights members hereditaments & Appurtenances to the same or any part thereof belonging and which Said Messuage Cottage or Tenement and Orchard and Garden and five Acres and one Rood and an halfe or thereabouts of Arable Land or Ley Ground with their Appurtenances I purchased or had of and from William WAPLES(?) or was formerly or reputed to have been Sometime formerly the Estate of the Said William WAPLES or called Waples Estate and is with other Lands settled on my Said Wife Also (from and after the Death of my Said Wife Alice) I give and Devise all that my Close of pasture or enclosed piece of Ground conteyning by Estimation about three Roods & lying in Rushden aforesaid and called or known by the name of Cheesecake Close & now in my own possession with the rights members and Appurtenances thereto belonging unto the Said George GOODES for and dureing the Term of his Naturall life and from and after his decease then unto the Heires of his Body lawfully begotten or to be begotten and for want of Such issue then unto the Said William BLOSSOM his heirs and Assignes forever Also I give and devise unto my Said Wife for and dureing the term of her Naturall life ^ ('over and above what is Settled on her or she is initiled to', written above) One Annuity or Yearly rent Charge of Ten pounds Issueing out of and Charged & Chargeable upon all those my Severall peices and parcells of Arable Land and Ley Ground conteyning by Estimation about Twenty One Acres and lying and being in Rushden aforesaid being part Copyhold and part Bondhold and was given unto me by my father William CAMPION deceased and now or late in the tenure or occupation of the Said William BLOSSOM his Assignee or Assignes Undertenant or Undertenants And also all that my ffarmhouse Yards Barns Stables Buildings and Orchard and Garden and two Closes of pasture or pightells to the Said ffarmhouse Adjoyning and belonging & containing by Estimation about Two Acres Stituate Standing lying & being in Rushden aforesaid and now or late also in the tenure or occupation of the Said William BLOSSOM his Assignee or Assignes Undertenant or Undertenants and being Copyhold And also all those my Copyhold peices and parcells of Arable Land & Ley Ground conteyning about Twenty Seven Acres & Six Swathes of Meadow Ground and now or late also in the tenure or occupation of the Said William BLOSSOM his Assignee or Assignes Undertenant or Undertenants & lying & being in Rushden aforesaid And also all that little Close of pasture or enclosed Ground containing by Estimation about One Rood & lying in Rushden aforesaid & now or late also in the tenure or occupation of the Said William BLOSSOM his Assignee or Assignes Undertenant or Undertenants And which said ffarmhouse Yards Barns Stables Buildings Orchard and Garden and two Closes of pasture or pightells the same peices & parcells of Arable Land and Ley Ground and Six Swaths of Meadow Ground & little Close of pasture or enclosed Ground were formerly or reputed to have been Sometime formerly the Estate of one John GORY or called Gorys Estate And also all other my Copyhold and Bondhold Messuages Cottages Closes Lands Tenements & hereditaments in Rushden aforesaid Together with all the rights members hereditaments & Appurtenances to the Same Premisses or any of them belonging and to be paid unto her my Said Wife Alice Yearly & every year Dureing her Naturall life on two usual feast days or days of payment in every year (that is to Say) the feast of the ??Unnication of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the feast of the Said Saint Wither(?) of the…………………END OF PAGE TWO…………
………….Arth or u?ell by ???? and equall portions and the first payment thereof to be made on the first of the same feasts or days of payment as shall next happen after three months next after my Decease and my Will is and I do hereby direct that all the same annuity or rent charge and every part thereof Shall be as aforesaid Paid without any manner of deduction or abatement thereof or thereout to be made of or for any Taxes Charges or id(?) payments or thing or things whatsoever And my Will further is and I do hereby direct that in case all or any part of the Said annuity or yearly rent charge Shall be behind and unpaid by the ??ear? of fourty days next after any of the Said feasts or days of payment whereas the same ought to be paid the same being by her or her attorney lawfully demanded Then and in every or any such case or cases it shall and may be lawfull to and for my Said wife Alice by herSelf or her Attorney into(?) & upon all or any of the same peices and parcells or Arable Land and Ley Ground the same ffarmhouse yards Barns Stables Buildings & Orchard or Garden Two Closes of pasture or pightell the same peices and parcells of Arable Land and Ley Ground the same Six Swathes of Meadow Ground the Same little Close of pasture or enclosed Ground and the Said other Copyhold and Bondhold Messuages Cottages Closes Lands Tenements and hereditaments with their appurtenances to enter and the same to hold and Enjoy and receive and take thereouts Issues and Profitts thereof untill therewith & thereby all Such of the Said Annuity or yearly rent charge of Ten pounds as Shall be so behind and unpaid and all Such Charges and Expences as Shall be Concerning the same or Concerning such entering holding and Enjoying receiving and takeing Shall be fully paid and discharged Also my Said Copyhold and Bondhold peices and parcells of Arable Land and Ley Ground the Said ffarmhouse Yards Barns Stables Buidlings and Orchard or Garden or two Closes of pasture or pightells the Said pieces and parcells of Araable Land and Ley Ground the Said Six Swathes of Meadow Ground the Said little Close of pasture or enclosed Ground and the Said other Copyhold and Bondhold Messuages Cottages Closes Lands Tenements and hereditaments with their Appurtenances (being so Charged and Chargeable and Subject and lyable as aforesaid/ I give and Devise the Same unto the Said William BLOSSOM his Heirs and Assignes forever he paying thereout the Said fourty pounds a peice to my Said two Nieces in manner as aforesaid and the Said Sum of Ten pounds to the Said George GOODE in manner as aforesaid And I do hereby Charge my Same last mentioned premisses and whatever I have hereinbefore given unto the Said William BLOSSOM and his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assignes with the payment of the Said fourty pounds apeice unto my Said two Nieces in manner as aforesaid and the Said Ten pounds to the Said George GOODE in manner as aforesaid any thing herein Contained to the Contrary notwithstanding Also all the rest and residue of my Goods and Chattells Personal and real Estates of what kind and Nature soever I give Devise and Bequeath the Same unto the Said William BLOSSOM his Heirs Executors Administrators and Assignes Also I do hereby make Constitute and Appoint the Said William BLOSSOM Sole Executor of this my last Will and Testament and I do hereby revoake all former Wills by me made IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the day and Year first abovewritten.
The marke of Thomas CAMPION
Signed Sealed published and declared by the abovenamed Thomas CAMPION the Testator to be his last will and Testament in the presence of us three whom he desired attest the same and who all Sett our hands as witnesses hereto in his presence and his words (male and female) and his words (over and above what is Setted on her or she is intitled to/ being all first in??lyned in the presence of of all which ?? are witnesses John GOLBY, Ann RISE
(end of page not in picture)
Outer page:
On the 15th Oct 1759 Wm BLOSSOM the sole Exor. named in yd within Written Will was then at the Petition of Smi?h(?) Sworn well & faithfully to fulfill the same according to Lawe
Before me E WATKIN ??? Surrogatee

WILL OF WILLIAM HIDE, Written 22nd Jul 1696

  William Hide Sharnbrook Maltser 1696
In the Name of God Amen I William HIDE of Sharnbrook in the County of Bedford Malster being weake and infirme of body but of sound and perfect Memory thanks be to god for the same doe make and ordaine this my last will and Testament in maner and forme ffollowing that is to Say first and proncipally I Commit my Soule into the hands of Almighty god hoping through the Meritts Death and passion of my Saviour Jesus Christ to have full and free pardon and forgiveness of all my Sinns and to inherit Everlasting life my body I Commit to the Earth to be decently buried att the discrecion of my Executor hereafter named and as touching the disposition of all Such temporall Estate as it hath pleased god to bestowe upon me I give and dispose thereof as followeth Item I give and bequeath unto my daughter Mary HIDE the sume of ffive pounds of good and lawfull money of England to be payd her within Six months after my decease
Item I give and bequeath to my Brother John HIDE of Sharnbrook the sume of twelve p........(pence or pounds?) of lawfull Money of England and all my wareing aparrell
The Rest Residue of my Estate both Reall and personall of what kindsoever and wheresoever the same may be my debts and funerall Charges being first payd and allowed I give and bequeath unto my Brother in Law John HIPWELL full and Sole Executor of this my last will and Testament And I do hereby Revoke disanull and Make void all former wills and Testaments by me hearetofore made In Wittness whereof I the sayd William HIDE to this my last will and Testament did heareunto Sett My hand and Seale this Twenty second day of July in the eight yeare Raigne of our soveraigne Lord William the third by grace of god King of England Scotland ffrance and Ireland defender of the ffaith and .. Anoq Domi 1696
Signed sealed and published William HIDE
the presence of us his X Marke (seal)
John STONBRIDG his ~ Marke
Jeffery WOODHAM (jnr?)

Probate: 24 Oct 1696: & 14 Nov 1696 to John HIPWELL

WILL OF WILLIAM CAMPION, Written 6th Oct 1648

  The Sixt day of October in the year 1648
In the name of God Amen the 6th daye of October in the year of our lord 1648 I William CAMPION of Rushden in the County of Northtd Husband man being Sicke in body but of good and perfect memorye Praysed be God Doe ordaine and make this my last will and testament in manner and forme following that is to Say /first/ I Commend my Soule in to the hands of Almighty God my Maker expect(?) ab???ndly through the only meritts of Jesus Christ my Pardon(?) to be made partaker of life everlasting/ And my bodye to be buryed in the Parish Church of Rushden on the South hil as near? unto my father late deceased Item my will is that my movables good that is to Say 2 longe(?) Cart and 2 longe(?) Carts and 3 pair of Ryde(?) wheeles and on pair of ?owe wheeles with plowes and all other furniture there to belonging unto my Executors to wards the maintinance and bringing up of the Children Item my will is that my executors Sell the Corne wheate pease and haye for the Use and beinfitt of my Children Item my will is my executors Sows(?) the tith Corne and pease to the Use and beinfitt of my Children Item my will is that my 4 horses and 6 b?as? 2 bullocks and on yearling bullock and 60 Sheep to be Sould for the use of the Children according as my executors Shall See(?) Ocation(occasion?) for the use and beinfit of the Children Item my will is that my dauth ('daughter', word cut off by page edge) Mary Shall have 30ty pound Raysed out of the movable good for hir portion and to be put out for hir and to be payd the on part at the ^ ('daye', written above) of hir marriage the other halfe ?? that time twelfsmonth after: If that my daughter doe not wedd(?) then the portion: to be divided amongst them are living(?) I give unto my daughter on ??ase bead(?) and furniture then tow belonging 2 Chest and on livery(?) Cubberd and on newe(?) table Spoones of pewter and 3 brase pans and 3 brase potts 3 kettells 2 positt(?) 2 paire Landirons 1 paire of tounges 2 littell kettells 1 Chamber pott 1 warming pan: I give unto my daughter Mary 7(?) paire of wearing(?) ?????(sheets?) and on table Cloth and 2 paire of Flaxon(?) Sheets(?) 2 pair of hemp(?) sheets(?) on on halland(?) Sheet 1 Flaxon board Cloth and on ^ ('pair', written above) pillowes beanes(?) on duzon of napkins on Ch?an ? Item my will is that my Sonn William Shall give unto my Sonn Thomas twenty pound when hee Cometh to on and twenty yeares of age allso I give unto him on ??ase bead on livery(?) Cubberd on table on Ch?an 8 Stooles and on great(?) Chest Item my will is that my Sonn William Shall give unto my Sonne(?) Isalia:(?) twenty pound when hee Cometh to foure and twenty yeares of age and if it please God that hee die then the portion to be divided a mongst them that are living Item I give my Sonn William: Shall ha??th long table in the hall and on b???? board and halfe a duzon Stooles and on b???? board in the pallor and on Chest……………..END PAGE ONE…………
…….Item I give unto my father(?) Browne my greene(?) Coate and on pair of briches and on lamhodge(?) I give unto my Sarvant(?) mary DARNALLY(?) on lamhodge(?) after my Decease I give unto my Sheap(?) heard(?) on jacket Gray Coate and on pair of stocking and I give to the poore of the people of Rushden 10? And I a point and nominate for to bee Executors for this my last will Eliab MAY ??ara BATES and I give unto them my movable good unbequeath and Debt and funarall discharge
The mark 'W' of William CAMPION
(Latin) Probate granted to Eliab MAY 16th Nov 1648

WILL OF THOMAS HIPWELL, Written 27th Apr 1687

  Thomas Hipwell, yeoman 1687 In the name of God Amen, the 27th daye of Aprill 1687 I thomas HIPWELL of Sharnbrook in the County of Bedofrd yoman, being weake of Body but of Perfect Sence & memory thanks be given to god for the same & not knowing how soone death maye come unto me & being desirous to Settell things in order doe make this my last Will & Testament in manner & fforme following & first & prinsipaley I Comit my Soule the Allmighty god my body to the eath to be buried in desent Sort(?) Item I give & bequeath unto William HIDE my Grand Child Tenn pounds if he shall live to the Age of one and Twenty years Item I give & bequeath unto Mary HIDE my Grandchild ffive pounds if she shall live to the Age of one & Twenty years & my Will is that my Son John HIPWELL shall bring upp a stonn(stallion?) Colt & give unto Thomas CLARK sonn of Henry CLARK 6 months After my deceas Item all the Reste & Residue of my goods Chattells Cattell money household stuffe Pasture ground & Implements whatsoever and wheresoever I give and bequeath unto Mary my loveing wife & John HIPWELL my Sonn & to the survivor & longest liver of them And I doe make the sayd Mary & John full Executors of this my last Will & Testament & I doe hereby Revoke all other Wills by me fformerly made Eyther in word or in Wrighting In Wittness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand & seale the day & yeare first above Written
Sealed published The mark of
declared in the Thomas T HIPWELL (seal)
p'sence of
Thomas T WILDE his mark
John + MILLER his mark
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