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shim shim shim
William LOBBE[41]
shim Ann[41] Wills


b. ?
bur. 15 Mar 1737
Cardinham, Cornwall

Father: Thomas Lobb jr.
Mother: Hester Lucas
3 Feb 1700,
Warleggan, Cornwall
b. ?
bur. 16 May 1748
Cardinham, Cornwall

Father: Thomas Wills
Mother: Julian Olver

  1. ALICE LOBB, bap. 12 May 1701 - bur. 13 May 1701, Cardinham, Cornwall
  2. ANN LOBB[41], bap. 25 Aug 1702, Cardinham, Cornwall - d. 1747 - m. 14 Jul 1724, Cardinham, Cornwall to William CULLIS[41] (?-1734)
  3. JOHN LOBB[41], bap. 22 Nov 1704 - m. 5 May 1729 to Mary ANDREW
  4. WILLIAM LOBB, bap. 6 May 1707 - bur. 26 May 1709, Cardinham, Cornwall
  5. JULIAN LOBB, bap. 24 May 1709, Cardinham, Cornwall - bur. 18 Jul 1740, Cardinham, Cornwall - m. 14 Feb 1731, Cardinham, Cornwall to Daniel HENWOOD (?-1752)(Daniel remarried in 1741 to Jane Cowling and had another 6 children)
  6. WILLIAM LOBB[41], bap. 8 Apr 1712, Cardinham, Cornwall - d. 1761(?) - m. 4 Mar 1741, Cardinham to Jane MAY
  7. THOMAS LOBB[41], bap. 2 Mar 1714, Cardinham, Cornwall - bur. 21 Aug 1783, Cardinham Cornwall (noted as: "of Warleggan" on his burial) - m. 9 Jan 1738, Warleggan, Cornwall to Frances PEARSE
  8. RICHARD (possible) LOBB, bap. 13 Oct 1716, Cardinham, Cornwall - d. ? - m. ? to Elizabeth (COLMAR??)
  9. FRANCES LOBB[41], bap. 29 Jun 1718, Cardinham, Cornwall - d. ? - m. 23 Jun 1742, Cardinham, Cornwall to Richard BROAD
William Lobb's Inventory 1737

An Inventory of the good of William Lobb deceased Late of the parish of Cardinham In the County of Cornwall Soon taken(?) & appraised by us John Mutton, Thomas Jorey and Richard Harris this 4th day of march 1736/7
I??p? his purse(?) & ?ordle & wearing aparrell.....................................03:10:00
Item 4 oxen & Sleers(Steer?)...............................................................11:10:00
Item 2 Gaots........................................................................................03:00:00
Item 7 Heffers......................................................................................10:00:00
Item 2 Yearlings...................................................................................01:10:00
Item 60 Ewes & Lambs........................................................................14:00:00
Item 10 other Ewes...............................................................................02:00:00
Item 100 weathers................................................................................23:00:00
Item 46 Hogs........................................................................................07:00:00
Item 5 yearlings more............................................................................04:05:00
Item 4 Steers.........................................................................................04:00:00
Item 5 Cowes........................................................................................09:10:00
Item 4 heffers.........................................................................................05:10:00
Item 5 heffers & one Bull.......................................................................06:15:00
Item for hay...........................................................................................02:10:00
Item for Corn in the mowhay..................................................................03:00:00
Item one Littel nage one old mare & too Colts........................................04:05:00
Item 2 Swine..........................................................................................01:00:00
Item Goats & kids..................................................................................01:01:00
Item for Corne that is ?har?hed...............................................................01:04:00
Item for Sadles & dung pols(?)...............................................at??d.........00:10:00
Item for a tungue tr??(tree?) anold(?) wains & wheles &.........................02:05:00
Item for Cyder pound & all Implements belonging....................................01:00:00
Item for plows harrows yoaks & bows...................................................01:00:00
Item for Ropes tre?es hall??? & gi?ses(?)...............................................00:04:00
Item 4 Iron Chains a ?randdis wope(?) 2 plowe......................................01:01:00
Shares one Coulter(?) & a bar of Iron Head tows(?)..............................included in above amount
and Swevls & other Implements.............................................................included in above amount
Item for axes(?) hooks & Cleuers(?)......................................................00:03:00
Item for Shovles Sto?ing axes one pisk & two Evels(?)...........................00:04:06
Item for old Syths & handpins & rings and .............................................00:05:00
a hay knife.............................................................................................included in above amount
Subtotal; 125:02:00

  PAGE 2
Item for a brandes a Chimly Crook & pots ? o?ks..................................00:04:00
Item for hoops.......................................................................................00:02:00
Item for hogsheads barrells keeves(?) tubs buskets te??er.......................01:03:00
and a gallan tr?? bowls po?k(crossed through)........................................included in above amount
Item for wooll........................................................................................00:15:00
Item a gronding Stone & torner...............................................................00:01:06
Item for planks & Spoaks for whealls.....................................................00:06:06
Item one feather bead two d??ft beads & bedsteds.................................03:05:00
and forniture & other beding...................................................................included in above amount
Item a Chist(?) & one old box................................................................00:06:06
Item 7 pewter dishes & ten tining plates..................................................00:17:06
Item 4 brass pans & 2 old Kittles...........................................................02:01:00
Item 2 brass Crooks & 2 Iron Crooks...................................................00:17:06
Item a Iron beam for weights a hammer & pen?ers.................................00:06:00
and some harrow tynes & other old iron implyments...............................included in above amount
Item one table board forms Chares Stools and.......................................00:04:00
an old Cheessewring & keeve Stool.......................................................included in above amount
Item winding Sheets Sa?es Seaves(?) wooll packs.................................00:16:00
one old S??dlep(?)................................................................................included in above amount
Item household provition........................................................................01:10:00
Item ye? ba?ne boards one S??ot flaskols(?) baskets.............................00:06:06
Sheep Shares (shears?) and Ladders......................................................included in above amount
Item bills bands & all dessprett(?) de?ts.................................................07:00:00
Item a wheale barrow & other lumber stuf..............................................00:05:00
Item a boardcloth & other Table Lyning markettCloths...........................00:04:00
Item pultrey & gees...............................................................................00:02:06
Item ye Land of Kents down.................................................................28:00:00
Item for goods Gave to the widdow 2 Cowes & 6 Ewes........................05:00:00
Item more one feather bead furnished.....................................................02:00:00
Item more for one bras Crook a brass pan 3 pewter..............................03:00:00
dishes one kitle tanker? & some other things...........................................included in above amount
Item 3 other Ewes.................................................................................00:12:00
Item for Corne in the Grownd................................................................05:00:00
Item for all his Chattle Estates................................................................267:10:00
Item for things omitted & unseen............................................................00:10:00

Total of page 2 - 332:0?:06

Total of page 1 - 125:02:06

Totall...... 457:08:06

  Signed: John Mutton Thomas Jory Richard Harris
Some item descriptions:
flaskol = flat shallow basket or small flask
keeves = large tub or vat, especially a mash tub (mash for animal feed)
brandiss = a trivett (a small stand, with three legs, metal tripod or movable brackets for moving cooking things at a fire)
coulter = the iron blade fixed in front of the share in a plow
crose = crook or hook
seedlop = the vessell in which a sower carries seed
William Lobb, Fornication Penance 1745!

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