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shim shim shim
shim Rosabella CLEAL
William Barrett Married
31 Jul 1848,
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
Rosabella Cleal
b. 30 Dec 1822
London, Eng
d. 30 Mar 1908[21]
Essendon, Victoria

Father: James Barrett
Mother: Susannah (Fennell?)
shim b. 6 Dec 1831
London, Eng
d. 16 Apr 1925[21]
Malvern, Victoria

Father: Jacob Cleal
Mother: Mary Ann Young

  1. JAMES RICHARD BARRETT[21], b. 1 Oct 1849, Canada - d. 19 May 1853, Canada

  2. EDWARD BARRETT[21], (a baker by trade) b. 13 Aug 1851[20], Canada - d. 5 Oct 1944[20], Beechworth, Victoria - m. 21 Apr. 1886[21], Victoria to Isabel Eleanor DWELLY (cannot find what happened to his wife and children)
  3. EMMA PRISCILLA BARRETT[21], b. 22 May 1853, Canada or North America - d. 21 Sep 1854, Canada or America

  4. FREDERICK WIILIAM BARRETT[21], (a journalist, a printer for 'The Age' newspaper, in Melbourne, ) b. 4 Nov 1855, Cinncinati, North America - d. 18 Mar 1939[20], Alexandra, Victoria - m. 29 Jun 1889[20], Victoria to Mary ORME (1862-1937)

  5. EMILY BARRETT[21], b. 25 Nov 1857, Brooklyn, New York, Nth America - m. 23 Apr 1881, Seymour, Victoria to Robert Absolom BUTLER

  6. WILLIAM BARRETT[21], b. 14 Dec. 1860[21], Malmsbury, Victoria - d. 26 Aug. 1871[21], Seymour, Victoria (the result of a boating accident with his brothers)

  7. HENRY BARRETT[21], b. 14 May 1863[20], Kilmore, Victoria - d. 26 Aug. 1871[21], Seymour, Victoria (the result of a boating accident with his brothers)

  8. PHILLIP BARRETT[21], b. 2 Feb 1865[20], Kilmore, Victoria - d. 10 Oct. 1915[20], Victoria

  9. JANE PATERSON BARRETT[21], b. 22 Feb 1867[20], Kilmore, Victoria - d. 24 Sep 1931[20], East Malvern, Victoria - 1st m. 20 Nov 1886[20], Victoria to William John BEART (1857-1886)
    Children: And Jane Paterson BARRETT 2nd m. 1 Jun 1891[20], Victoria to Frederick William Bowden BALL (1858-1935)
  10. ALFRED JOHN BARRETT[21], b. 17 Feb 1869[20], Kilmore, Victoria - d. 1949, QLD - m. 26 Jul 1899[20], Victoria to Harriet Mary BROWN (1868-1933)
  11. LAURA ROSABELLA BARRETT[21], b. 10 Sep 1871[20], Seymour, Victoria - d. 6 Jan. 1873[20], Seymour, Victoria

  12. AMY ETHOL BARRETT[21], b. 2 Jan 1875[20], Seymour, Victoria - d. 28 May 1876[20], Seymour, Victoria
Letter written by Rosabella in 1895, to her brother-in-law living in America

This delightful letter that gives an insight into the family is in the hands of American family members. Edward Barrett, the brother this missive was written to, abandoned his family and disappeared into the deep south sometime in the 1870's. The letter was kept by his wife Sarah and handed down through the family.

485 Malvern Rd written sideways next to address on left ) Hawksburn Melbourne Victoria Australia
Your brother Jim last Address was 61 Castle Street, Southwark, Bridge Road, London, England
My Dear Brother & Sister
I cannot tell you the Pleasure it gives me to be able to corresponde with you again after so many years of silence. We have many times talked about you both, And mourned for you thinking you were dead, And knowing what a good correspondent you were we thought if you were alive you would of written and found us out, The last letter we received from you was when you were in England. We(?) answered that And we wrote to Vevay but never received..
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An Answer,
Well Dear Brother & Sister I have so much to tell you that I scarcely Know where to commence so I will begin with our-selves, William is very well in health but not very strong only able to do very light work but full of life just the same as when we left America the postcard I sent in my letter was one that was taken some years ago, but as for myself I have nothing to boast of for I am a great cripple with rheumiatism in one of my legs. I cannot walk without a stick and neither can I go out alone. I am well in health but my constitution is very weak it is with great difficulty that I can lift my body I am quite unable to do any Kind of domestic work, at present I am living with my youngest daughter, We have not been very fortunate since we
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Arrived in the colony When we first Arrived we went into business in Melbourne And lost a lot of money We then went up into one of the country towns And tried businesses Again but with no better result William then succeeded in getting a situation in a hotel And staide there for over fourteen years he then left to come to Melbourne for we could not get a trade for our two youngest boys And he has done no good ever since And that is over twelve years ago I have worked very hard myself I open a large boarding house and Kept it for over eight years And was then obliged to give it up for my youngest daughter got married And it was impossible for me to go up and down stairs to attend to my duties and look after a servant(?)
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so it was arranged that we should live with her my father and my son Fred to support us, William could take a light place but it is impossible for an old man to get employment in this country or a young either just now for at the present time Melbourne is in a very bad state the government as a deficit of over half a million to face And in con-sequence of that there are no government contracts to let and some of our large foundaries and factorys have closed Five years ago Melbourne was a flourishing city but now you can see men in hundreds walking about the streets with their hands in their pockets looking but in vain for work we have wished many times that we were back again in America.
We have six children alive
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four boys and two girls the same number as you have, sending all our portraits in a group Edward sitting at his fathers side holding an umbrella Fred is standing at my right side Emily is standing with her hand on Edwards shoulder Philip is standing next to Fred Jennie my youngest daughter has one hand on my shoulder Jack the youn(?) son stand at the back but he's not came out so well there being a shade over his face Jack is very tall taller than Any of the rest, Edward is married And have two children he lives two hundred miles from here, I've not seen him for over three years, Fred is also married and have three children he lives in one of the suburbs he is a compositor And earns good wages have been in one of the daily papers for over twelve years
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I will send you some Melbourne papers occasionally My other two sons are unmarried Phil is a blacksmith and Jack is a carriage and house painter My eldest daughter Emily Whom I named after your eldest daughter is also married and lives over sixty miles from here she is very comfortable she has three children my youngest daughter Jennie has been married twice her first husband died just six weeks after she was married she is married to her present husband four years she has two children.
My Sister Emma is married the second time since we arrived in the colony She is very comfortable she has three children living all married Willie Blake the little boy she brought out with her is married and have six children his wife died
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nearly three years ago but is about to marry again, I have had 17 children but have only six living I had two fine boys Willie and Harry drownd through a boat upsetting it was the ?e?e?est trouble I ever passed through to see them go out from me full of life and spirit and brough back a few hours after dead one was 11 years and the other was nine years,
About your friends in England I have not heard from them for years but one of your step brothers came out some years ago and he told us that your father died about 14 years ago in one of the letters we received from Jim he told us of the death of Isaac but that 30 years ago you may have heard of it your step brothers name is Frederick William he is forty four years old I've not seen him for a long time
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I don't think he is doing any good he married a widow with two children Jim wrote and told us he had left a wife and family in England in any case he is a lazy fellow.
I have told you all the news I can think of and I hope either you or Sarah will send us a long letter telling all about your life since we left.
I forgot to tell you that my dear old father is still living also his wife he married just before he left America he has 8 children by this wife one young man his eldest son 35 years of age died about 12 months ago the poor old man grieved very much about it he was married but no family.
The Photo I enclose was taken 4 years ago, I must now conclude with kindest love from William, Myself And family from Your Affectionate Sister.
Rosabella Barrett
Newspaper Articles!

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